Jacob A60 on Sale. Only Lasts Five Days!

190-200 kcd is very good #'s for the Jacob. Got a few Q's, because not sure if I've seen anything that high recorded on a Jacob, but actually, I don't think I de-domed an emitter on a Jacob either and don't recall seeing any throw #'s on a de-domed Jacob.

  • what driver? high many amps?
  • are both the XP-E2 and XP-G2 de-domed?
  • have any details about the emitter tuning? If I recall, I epoxied down a plastic alignment piece to center the XP-E2, then added another plastic piece stacked to better tune it.

Update: I did 2 A60's with XP-E2 (domed) with a 2.8A driver and got 116 kcd. rdrfronty has one

Interested as well..

200kcd seems a lot.

They are estimates based on the data I read from one of the threads here. I’m not sure who made it but he presented a table of the readings of all his flashlights, including dedomed, modified and different versions of a certain light (e.g. SRK T6, SRK U2…). I have three flashlights (stock) that are included in the table he made: The BTU Shocker XM-L U2. the Sky Ray King T6, and the Black Shadow Terminator. In his table, the Shocker gives 125KCD, the SRK T6 gives 25.1KCD and the BST gives 57.3KCD.

My readings (Using HS1010) for my Shocker are 10060 for 3 meters and 3630 for 5 meters. For my Terminator, 4610 for 3 mtrs and 1670 for 5 mtrs, and for my SRK, 2020 for 3 mtrs and 727 for 5 mtrs.

Using the data from the table, I found out that I need to multiply the resulting KCD in my HS1010 readings by about 1.38 (average) to get more or less the same results. I did the same on the KCDs of all my flashlights that’s why for the A60: ((56.07KCD+55KCD)/2)*1.38=76.64KCD. :bigsmile:

It was rdrfronty’s table. He presented it here: Full Test Data on 50 of Our Flashlights :slight_smile:

Oh man. I couldn't resist and ordered one. I have really gone over board on acquisitions lately. My wife is going to kill me. I wish she didn't get home before me everyday. That would be fantastic. Sorry, daydreaming.

Thank you Mia and Aura Buy for another great deal!

I ordered an A60 from AuraBuy on the Aug. 1st. It arrived on the 15th. Don’t know if mine was in the same batch as what is on sale. Or if that even matters. Mine was $13.49. I have included a photo of the emitter in my light. Maybe you guys can tell what it is by the photo. Love the light.



Um, model? Link?


Thanks, I ordered one for $12.18 with 3% off coupon…while still in bed! :zipper_mouth_face:

Finally, my first bigass thrower, price is too good to pass up even if its copy of other light(which one?!), picked up two, now need some decent batts, pitty I missed on that Panasonic protecteds group buy :D!

I ordered six of the A-60’s on Aug.17th. to use as gifts. When I just checked the site it says the order is pending, and next to the pending comment is a RED button that says to reorder.?
The PayPal transaction went through. Do I have a valid order? How long does Aura Buys take to validate an order? Why add the reorder button @ a higher price? (No sale discount) I’ve never ordered anything from Aura before.
Thanks all for any info.

They put a reorder button to make it easy to reorder. Remember many of their customers are resellers.

The higher price is because the 5 day sale is over.

I'm guessing 'pending' means they are awaiting delivery from their supplier as they're out of stock.

Komichi, please do not worry about it. Everything will be fine.
Could you drop me a PM with your order number please? I will check and explain it in detail for you.
Waiting for your reply.
Best regards,

Received mine today, thanks Mia

Got mine today. Can't wait to mod it. I'm sure it'll at least need thermal grease under the mcpcb, but I'm not stopping there.

In fact Aurabuy Jacobs have thermal grease under emitter and they are well made so if you don’t want don’t mod.

This is killing thrower when modded and I would say the furthest throwing reflector thrower in 55mm head size in a world!

It kills OSTS Fandyfire.

luminarium i.,

Could I beg the secret recipe from you on this project, please? I’d like to try my 1st electronics mod (beyond switch work) trying to reproduce this. Would you mind posting links?

So far, reading your posts carefully, here are the ingredients:

- XP-E2 on noctigon/copper

- 3 amp driver

  • Silicone wires? (Do they need to be upgraded? If so, can I use chopped-up regular power extension cord cable, or is that too thick?)

Other items more easily found:

- Arctic silver thermal paste? (Which I have; not Arctic Alumina adhesive though, but I could buy if necessary-what is ratio of mix?)

- Gasoline or diesel to de-dome the emitter :smiley:

- I have 0.8mm solder from DX and a cheap soldering iron.

  • I have plenty of cheap thermal grease in injector tubes to pot the pill if it’s hollow, which I assume it is.

I am also wondering how you get the LED perfectly centered, and stay there?

Since you are also into aspherics and have bought multiple A60s, I request recount your experience on a thread asking about aspherics in the A60, including what you’ve tried (such as lenses, and whether you got better throw from aspherics or the reflector):

Here's my roadmap.

XP-E2 R3, dedomed with white gas
16mm Noctigon
solder paste to mount emitter
lap pill
AS5 thermal grease under the mcpcb and screws to hold it down
22awg silicone emitter wires
spring wire mod
add copper thermal mass in the pill
add copper heatsink to driver with Fujik
sand mating surface of battery tube to tailcap
thermal grease on threads around the pill, super lube grease for the rest

I'm not decided on the driver yet. I may go 3A, or may try direct drive just to see what will happen. I'll have spare emitters in case the smoke monster makes an appearance.

I may also file down a CNQ/FF AR lens for it.

i have bought one now at $13,81 +$1,70 for tracking shipment! I hope it will be a good deal :slight_smile:

I took mine outside for the first time. It's already my best thrower. It's going to be silly when it's cranked up to 200kcd.
