JetBeam E26: flat, SFT-40, UV and green laser

A few months ago JetBeam started a Kickstarter campaign for a new flat rectangular light, the JetBeam E26 “Kunai”.

It was first offered with an SST-40, with the upgrade to an SFT-40 as a stretch goal.

Yesterday I received an orange sample with SFT-40, 365nm UV and green laser (5mW, class 3A). Not from their Kickstarter campaign, but from flashlightgo!

Review is in progress and should be finished in a few weeks, stay tuned! There aren’t many posts about JetBeam here at BLF, so let’s change it. :blush:

Update: Review

My review can be found here:

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Is the port just exposed like that with no cover? I assume that means it’s one of those waterproof types? If it is, very cool.

Yes, it doesn’t have a cover, like phones and such. I hope it’s a waterproof type. There seems to be a seal behind it, which has too much pressure for the thin aluminum. You can see it slightly bent around the USB port.

Mmm, maybe in the next go-'round, they can change the hole from a ‘0’ to a ‘8’ and stick a 3rd screw in the middle…

3 Thanks

Hmm, while it is cool that companies are switching to waterproof ports, I still wish it had a cover against dust and dirt. A phone I usually keep away from dirt, but a flashlight must survive being dunked in mud occasionally :smiley:

*glances at his flashlight collection*
They must survive what? :scream: My flashlights are stored in foam and bubble wrap and when I use them, they are secured with a lanyard. I’m just too careful with my lights. :dizzy_face: :innocent:

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My alu FWAA slipped from my pocket while i was sprinting to meet up with friends (I was super late and they were waiting) and slid for a couple of meters over concrete recently. It really hurt once I realized what happened.

I’m usually trying not to deliberately damage anything, but flashlights are ultimately tools for me, and gotta take some abuse over time ^^

Yeh, I had an old MiniMag (actually a Brinkmann, I think) that was already scratched when I got it, so that became my Flashlight Tool, no need to keep it pristine anymore.

Poor thing ended up looking like bobofett’s helmet over the years before a pair of alkaleaks killed it from within.

Got many good years from it before LEDs became A Thang.

You can just flush the port with water if mud got in. You probably won’t charge your phone in the mud anyways, so this should not be an issue.

I would prefer that type of open port to Olight’s proprietary connector each and every time.

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