Hey folks i negotiated a deal on the Jetbeam Jet-UV i have one here to do a review on but i am not sure how to review it? So i will let yous tell me how to review it? What test can i do?
They do as they please.
In the ad from Jetbeam clearly a ProLight led was shown but it said Cree (while Cree does not even make UV-leds), and in reality, as in your picture above, it shows some unknown to me brand chinese led. Which does not imply that it is a bad led, it may have a good output at 365nm, but probably emits a fair amount of white-ish or yellow-ish visible light as well (am I right?) because only Nichia is able to make 365nm leds that emits almost no visible light.
365nm leds do not look blue to me , it is invisible (but the sensitivity for UV differs per person), all you see is the whit-ish component of the output. 385nm leds look clearly purple to me.
Check the light on banknotes, I know that in the euro notes there are fibres that under 365nm light up blue, green and red, but with 385nm, the red fibres do not light up red anymore. I’m not sure what the markings are on australian notes though.
That purple glow, do you see that with your eyes, or is it just picked up by camera?
If the bird is not yellow/greenish but blue-ish, and the leaves not really red, and if you clearly see purple reflected, the dominant wavelength is not (close to) 365nm, more 380-390.
What is the diameter of the lens? If it is not more than 10mm, you can get a 10mm ZWB2 filter on aliexpress and get rid of the white background light. I never found a 12mm ZWB2 filter.
depending on intensity, but: pretty bad, do not look directly into the beam and when looking at reflections: not too long. Checking a note for a moment is fine but do not stare for minutes.
Common polycarbonate protection glasses block 365nm very effectively btw