Just a little warning on Efest.

I never really trust labels or claims by chinese companies. I only use efest 10440s. In 18650s I go for the big known brands. LG, Panasonic/Sanyo, Samsung, Sony. Need to know what I’m using. Evva or keeppower if I need protected (seiko protection) but it’s known what inside those. I recall seeing mention that efest amp claims were overstated but that wasn’t unexpected to me.

I would also like to apologise for acting so quick, unfortuneatly my problem affects the speed of my actions(E.g I will be aggressive quicker as I will not think the same ) and also my memory.

I am sorry if anyone was offended or thought I was over the top, pilotdog68 put it perfectly. I was probably more bothered as a battery labelled high draw that is in fact not, could blow up in my face as a vaper, but with a torch it might not be as bright, or even if it does go into thermal runaway as long as it is IMR not ICR I can just drop it, by then it would be around 300 degrees anyway so I doubt I would be still holding it lol.

I think people in general are all with you here, just questioning your broad claim because there are some good performing Efest batteries. Maybe one type was underperforming that someone you know found, maybe it was a re-wrap or false Efest, its hard to know and good to find out more information. Nobody has anything against you here, and in general people here love more information, the more the better, and polite arguments are great to get the real info out for everyone!

The urgency of your claim may be a little misplaced too, since it is significantly more dangerous for use in a vape. Only if its modded will a flashlight usually draw more than 3 A anyways, and in that case the modder has usually tested different batteries in the modded light and found which one performs better.

I know there have been fake purple Efests found, especially since they became popular for vapers. Would be good to find out which battery was under performing, where they were purchased, pictures of them and what’s inside to test exactly whats going on.

I see you answered while I was between things replying, I definitely agree, and it’s still great that you brought this info up here, I wouldn’t worry about it. Unfortunately there will always be fakes made, and companies do change ethics and quality, its always good to know if there is a question which is happening.

Keeppower did have some mislabeled batteries but now they specify made in Korea, made in japan, or assembled in China.

I don’t buy efest 18650’s but I do like their 26650’s. I don’t care if they are rewrapped or not, the 26650’s perform better than just about any other 26650 out there. Are their specs inflated, sure. But you learn that is the case with everything from China.

True, the other day on ebay I saw a ‘6000 MAH’ 18650, I bought it as a laugh to keep on the shelf as it was only 99P, I did email the seller asking if it is really 6000MAH, and they offered me half the money back but I wouldn’t take it as I really doubt they earn much out there. ( I wont use it, I have no idea what it is inside so safety first, its more of a joke really).

It’s just when dangerous claims are made it upsets me, more so because I vape, if a battery is labelled as 20 Amp draw and I am near that and the battery is only 4 constant, there is a high chance there is going to be a rather large bang in my face lol

Efest may be doing that, but there are limited 26650 manufacturers. Most 26650’s available are rewrapped batteries.

That may be a good question.

If someone stuck a perfectly good laptop pull that was say rated for 4amp draw, and the machine could pull say 18amps.

What would happen?

First, the cell wont give 18 amps (agreed)?
Second, it would suffer from huge voltage sag (correct)?
Third would performance be “obviously” impacted? What I mean by obvious, is that it would be clear that somthing was not working as expected.

In that situation would somone look into the “issue” before it went into runaway? I dont know. I dont smoke, and dont take/smoke drugs so I was just wondering?

I hope if it was a flashlight we would know somthing was up and look into the issue, before there was runaway.

Or does it happen that fast?

A very good point Ronin42. Also, what would the difference be between an icr and an imr battery?

Wow, just wow!

Conan, really? You’ve been in here a week with what, 26 posts? And you’re dissing the top battery label in the field. I use Efest Purple IMR18650 35A cells. These are NOT rewrapped LG cells, like some other sites have stated. I’ve got dozens of them, in some serious top output lights, and no other cell can compete. Yes, I’ve tried them against LG HE-2, HE-4, Sony VT-C4, C5, Sam 20R, 25R all the top ranked cells. I like the performance of the Purple Efests Best.

I have a single cell light that pulls 17.51A from one. I really do have some experience with this. Like 105 lights. The 10440 is hands down the best out there bar none. I have a custom made Ti light that uses the Efest IMR10440, it pulls over 3A and makes a bit over 1000 lumens.

Maybe you should look around, get a wider database, before making such claims.

I’m not gonna say Efest doesn’t have some lines that are re-wrapped cells, they do. They also have no less than 4 that are not beaten by anybody, anywhere, in my experience and opinion. I have a BTU Shocker with 3 XHP-70 emitters. 6 of the Efest Purple IMR18350’s will allow it do do 14,455 lumens. Nothing else will.

I stand behind my Efest cells, will go to war with you on that one and you’re gonna lose. Maybe they’re not the best for vaping, I wouldn’t know, but for flashlights (you ARE in a flashlight forum) they can’t be beat.

Can’t touch this. Nuff said.

From the relatively short time I have been a member of this community, I understood that most of the battery 'suppliers' are infact re-wrapping cells from the cell 'manufacturers'.

This also applies to batteries purchased from XTAR, NiteCore, KeepPower, AW, EagleTac, AWT, EnerPower+, and EFEST that you mention, amongst many others. I am not a vaper, so this comes only from interest in providing power to Flashlights.

These suppliers may add protection circuits, either of proprietary design (such as AW does), or provided by reputable suppliers (SEIKO is used by NiteCore). They might also modify the ends to provide a button-top or metal base plate under the protection PCB.

The actual cell manufacturers (Panasonic/Sanyo, LG, Samsung, Sony, etc) do not afaik make protected cells themselves. Most don't even produce button-tops. If you ever see a coloured cell claiming to be from one of the manufacturers with protection included, it is likely that protection IC was added by a third-party and re-wrapped to 'appear' as similar to the original manufacturers colour wrapper as possible.

I personally would rather have quality and trusted protection IC added by the likes of Efest or Keeppower (preferably made in Japan), than an unknown IC added as an aftermarket mod to something that just appears to be from the manufacturer.

As an aside; if you or anyone here ever has reason to doubt the validity of efest cells or whether they are genuine, it is possible to make direct contact with them by Skype username "battery.efest". I have personally spoken to Regina many times this way, and had any concerns and issues dealt with professionally and with courtesy.

Keep shining (or vaping!)


“Can’t touch this” hmm? Well, as long as you arent wearing ballooned parachute pants while you are saying that :slight_smile:

Show me your 14,000 lumen lights, I’ll show you my…


X6 at 4578 lumens
X6 at 5520 lumens
Olight SR-90 at 4696 lumens

I can make a long list of Efest run Hot Rods.

And out of curiosity, how sane is it to vape at 17A?

Edit: Afore someone reads too much into that… vaporizing a liquid, in your mouth, with a high discharge cell, at 17A, making heat, destroying o-rings, getting (potentially) liquid on the cell, hmmm, I’m just wondering is all.

There are some places that sell these types of batteries at a VERY reasonable price.

I was googling the other day and came across a place that is literally across the street from me! He lives across the street and his warehouse is 2 miles away! They do not have the most variety[opened 9 months ago]. They do have ~ 6 of the major brands,including EFEST! It is hard to beat 90% of their stock. They are wholesale but sell to the public. Tomorrow I will be getting a few 30Q’s from them

This is funny and probably common everywhere if you live ~30 miles from a major city. I buy batteries in the same town as I live. It then goes 27 miles away to Philly to get processed,then comes back to my little town!! Doesn’t make sense!

Jon told me they ship[UPS ONLY] to Europe and Australia but it can be costly unless you buy bulk

Here is the Link:

I think you had a good point, about my good point :slight_smile:

So what would happen when a good “typical 4 amp laptop pull” is asked to do way more then spec?

Any opinions?

Here’s Dale’s tree after Old Lumens pays a visit and they have a flashlight shootout. :smiley:

You know, I need to move back up North. These threads just keep going South!

Since I am South, I will jump right in.

Efest have in the past and probably still do, re wrap batteries, OR they just buy them with their wrap on them already. There are only so many battery facilities in the world, just like LED monitors, etc, etc, etc. So much stuff is relabeled and resold as something else that you could spend a lot of your life trying to track it all down. Efest is not the only one doing the same thing. Several of the Chinese battery companies are using their own label on cells they do not make. I got some just the other day and the cells underneath ended up being Panasonic cells. It is a crap shoot as to which cells you are getting and Genuine Efest does not guarantee that they actually produced them. Don't single Efest out though. Double check all the cells you get, even ones labeled as Panasonic, Sony, etc. There is no guarantee that they weren't re wrapped with those labels.

As far as not buying from a company that lies, well you might as well just send me all your money now, as most all of them lie and swear that everyone else is lying and that they are telling the truth. It's human nature and true business fact that the only thing that counts is the bottom line, not how you get there, so take it all with a grain of salt and move on.

If you don't know which sellers are real and which are fake, or you can't test them for yourselves, just try to stick with the few good brand names like Panasonic, Sony, LG and a couple of others and buy from sellers that seem to have the highest ratings and the most good ratings.

What I find with my all of my Efest cells is that they are not consistent. Some will pull the stated ratings and others will not. Some will charge correctly and others will not. I do believe that they are not the most consistent cells there are, but if they are mixing cells, then it would be understandable. I still use Efest cells, especially the 26650 cells, but I check them over and test, before I consider them good to go in my lights, just as I do with all of the Li-ion cells I have. When I wanted to make a soldered battery pack, I chose true Panasonic cells for it. I wouldn't have used Efest or any of the other "off brands" for that.

This thread is bizarre. On so many levels.

efest have been the best for my lights hands down I own a lot batteries and they beat them hands down by at least an amp. I don’t give a crap what you say or anyone else. Efest are my top choice until i see different and I do look a lot.

What i need to know is,is there any pwm visible during the “running man” :smiley: