I think it would be more helpful to the consumers (BLF members) if Klarus would state a list of authorized dealers instead.

Also, how did these unauthorized dealers get their hands on Klarus products? Or is Klarus insinuating that all these mentioned dealers sell Klarus knock offs?

bad move to declare just non authorized dealers and quit support
usually your job is to get at least one or 2 of the big shops like banggood and Gearbest to sign contracts to get them as authorized dealers

you are responsible for the stuff you sell, if an original light fails you have to deal with warranty

In EU we have a law here always pointing producer as responsible body. Producer has best knowledge and measures to ensure proper service and guarantee (which in fact in EU is obligatory for 3 years: 2 covered by guarantee and the third to report unconformity found in first 2 years of using).
It looks Klarus must had been selling big amounts to wholesalers and things got out of control.

In Europe, after such statement a company would close within a month. Can’t believe it though.

How come a producer may negate his products just because these were sold by a party, producer didn’t expect. If BG, GB, and others are able to acquire Klarus’ products, it obviously means these are sold without control. Otherwise Klarus just wouldn’t had sold it to them.

Damn, for a time I was thinking the “big” Chinese brands got closer to EU’s or US’… but not. You can expect unexplainable anytime.

However this statement does not touch me at all (I did have some Klarus light, but I sold) I’m just stunned. The sure thing is I’ll never buy Klarus again. Who knows what obstacle may appear against taking responsibility of what they’ve produced.

Sorry for this lengthy elaborate, but being a “QA guy” I just can’t believe it’s really happening…

Just to add something regarding European statutory consumer/warranty rights:
The consumer only gets these rights when the product and/or service was purchased WITHIN the European Union.

The “producer” or OEM in this case is not in Europe, neither are any third parties.
In some EU countries the OEM can be held liable for warranty claims, but I do not know in which countries that would be.

I wonder what prompted this.

Has there been a rash of Klarus flashlight issues? Or Klarus fakes being sold?

Funny enough, they left off KaiDomain (LINK).

KLARUS rarely seems to do anything truly innovative, and when they do, it’s something like this:

While kind of “eye candy” cool, it’s a lousy design… didn’t sell well at all, from what I’ve read.
Their cheaper lights always seem to have better competitive alternatives… so I too have never bought a KLARUS flashlight.

Ah yeah, the Westworld flashlight. Hope the HBO staff didn’t buy theirs on Banggood. :slight_smile:

I sure hope we have something better than this by the time 2052 comes along. :slight_smile:

Just LOL at the pathetic “official document”. Not so long ago, there was KLARUS with their tasteless marketing attempt to capitalize on some unlucky dude who was shot, offering STROBE TACTICOOL to “quickly disorient danger” Are they trying to slit the other wrist now?

Sorry - bought mine online - forgot what site...

Please fix it or I'll never buy another Klarus and tell my flashlight wielding friends how you treated me!

Sincerely - Average Joe.

Its a good choice for a futuristic looking flashlight. :cowboy_hat_face:

Heh, funny that it appeared in that series.

What did you think of HBO’s WestWorld?

I liked the first season. The second season wasnt’t as good as the first one, IMO, but OK. Looking forward to the third.

I love how this thread is backfiring in Klarus' face.

Too funny!


Serves them right, as well.

With them refusing to provide after-sales service if you buy their product.

That really makes me want to buy Klarus!

My personal, plausible reason:

Remember in the previous years we used to get coupon codes via pm only? Because major manufacturers like Acebeam, Klarus, and some others demand an SRP of their products (to protect their USA and EU dealers) from oversea price predators.

Now those coupon prices are openly displayed in some sites, ostensibly sourced from the dealers listed in the OP, which the manufacturers hate because those lights are sourced from third party wholesalers in China, of which they cannot impose their SRP.

In order to get around this, some dealers thought of making their own brands, giving birth to Utorch, Zanflare, Astrolux, and some others.

My .02 cents, btw.

Wellp, the rare occasion when I had an issue with a Thorfire and Sofirn light, they both took care of it immediately, either offering me a 99%-off coupon to buy another one or just get a free replacement. I imagine Simon/Convoy would probably do the same, but I never had an issue with a Convoy light yet. :slight_smile:

No shipping back the light for probably 10× the cost of the light itself, no major grief, nothing. That’s what I call great customer service.

Now, I don’t have any Klarus lights, so I don’t really have a dog in this fight. I don’t like Klarus. I don’t dislike Klarus. They simply exist. But I gotta say, if you want people to feel “safe” buying a light, then you gotta do right by ’em as far as warranty service.

It’s also why I rarely (if ever) buy a light pricey enough to consider “warranty service”, vs trying to fix it myself, or just tossing it if I can’t (well, scavenging it for parts most likely).

Have I missed some excellent sales on Klarus lights?

I agree! I declare that they were overpriced to begin with, and now I have an even better reason to NEVER buy them again.

Good bye Klarus!

For me, Klarus is like that old 7-UP ad campaign… “never had it, never will”

Convoy posted the Klarus declaration on their Facebook page here, and then said this (which I don't understand) . . .

Here is MAP thread I made in 2013 yet, it’s already a hot issue then:


Do you think that's what prompted the Klarus declaration?