Krono 1000 Post DIY Convoy C8 Giveaway -OP has build pics.

Giveaway closed…Orion is the winner!

Thanks to Neal at Banggood for sponsoring/giving away the prize. Very cool!

(This is a different kind of Give-Away…PLEASE read the qualifications!)

Well…I have yet to mod/build a flashlight (for shame). So…to get off my duff…I am incorporating my desire to build into a giveaway. I thought this would be a good opportunity to get at least two of us into building lights. Therefore, only BLFers that have never modded/built a light can enter. Sorry veterans…but this is to generate interest from noobs, and bring new blood into our fine flashlight obsession!

At the drawing, the lucky winner and I will be sent (directly from Banggood) a Convoy C8 host, emitter and driver. The winner and I will proceed to build the light and post pics of our progress here on this thread!


BLF member before December 11th, 2013.

Must have never modded/built a light before (you know who you are).

Must have the tools to complete the build (Soldering iron, solder/paste, flux etc.) by the time you receive the prize

Must build the light by May 1, 2014 (extended from May 1, 2014 due to delay in component shipment).

Must post pics of the build here on this thread (they don’t have to be high quality…cellphone pics ok)

Winner will be picked by random (using or whatever).

Only one entry from each qualified BLFer.

Just reply to this thread to enter.

You can add any mods/items you want to your light. You want to add an AR lens…custom paint job…dedomed emitter…tritium nose-hair illuminator…custom milling…whatever…go for it!

(I reserve the right to change the qualifications in case I left anything out that should have been included in the first stinkin’ place.)

Yeah…I know its not a very technical build at all…but we gotta start somewhere!

Special thanks to Boaz for helping me with the ‘technical’ aspects of this…thanks bro!

Here I will post updates of the build that are located elsewhere in this thread:

OK…FINALLY received emitters and drivers from BG. Whew…it’s been a long road!

My apologies to Orion, the winner of this contest, for the multiple delays. I am hoping the he has received his parts by now, but have yet to confirm that (awaiting his response). Nevertheless…I am going to begin my build(s). Contest build date completion has been extended to May 1st…longer if Orion needs it.

I also need little help from you seasoned pros…por favor! I have two Convoy C8 hosts…and plan to build one with a CREE and one with the high CRI Nichia (I purchased some additional drivers and emitters on Noctigons). Anyways, I can’t decide on which combination I should go with. I would like BLF input on the best combination for my items. Here is a list of what I have:

(Qty. 2) Convoy C8 Hosts

(Qty. 2) OP C8 Reflectors
(Qty. 2) SMO C8 Reflectors

(Qty. 1) Nichia 219 4500 92CRI on Noctigon
(Qty. 1) CREE XP-G2 R5 3C on Noctigon
(Qty. 1) CREE XM-L2 T6 4C on Al star
(Qty. 1) CREE XM-L2 T6 3B on Al star
(Qty. 1) CREE XM-L2 U2 on Al star

(Qty. 3) Qlite 7135*8 3.04A Drivers
(Qty. 1) Qlite 7135*6 Driver

(Qty. 1) XM-L2 Butterfly Spacer
(Qty. 1) XP-G2 Butterfly Spacer (Will it fit Nichia?)
(Qty. 1) XP-G2 Clear 3M Spacer (Ditto?)
(Qty .1) XM-L2 Clear3M Spacer
(Qty. 2) XM-L2 Round Spacers

For those that were inspired…lol…to start your own build…feel free to post your results here as well. That was the whole idea for the contest…to generate more interest for first time modders/builders.

So…what do you think? What combo(s) would you use out of these parts? Do I have the right drivers for the Nichia 219 on a Noctigon?


I have begun work on one of the C8s. I am de-doming the emitter. While that is being done, I attached larger wires to the driver, and completed a tail-spring mod. Here are a few pics of what I have done so far:

Tools/items I used. Soldering iron, solder, flux, copper braid, wire cutters, 20 gauge AWG silicone wire, locking forceps, helping hands & circlip pliers.

XP-G2 on Noctigon de-doming with gasoline. I’ll check it tomorrow.

Pic of the Qlite 7135*8 before wire change.

Pic of the Qlite during wire change.

Pic of clicky prior to spring mod.

Pic with bottom of spring/braid soldered.

Closer pic…bottom of spring/braid soldered.

Pic of spring mod complete.


Pill is complete w/XP-G2 on Noctigon, and Qlite 7135*8 driver. The 20 ga wire I have is really too thick for this application. It was really difficult for me to solder the thick wire to the Noctigon and the driver. Think I’ll go to 22 or 24 ga wire. Also had a problem with the wire sucking up the solder and becoming too stiff to bend/move through slot in Noctigon. I’m such a noob at this…but hopefully it will get better :~

Yeah…I know my soldering sucks…


Here is a wall shot. VERY ringy…some advice for this? I have an 3M isolation disk over a butterfly emitter spacer. I had to but the isolation disk there for fear that the positive wire would contact the AL reflector.

Pic with just isolation disc, which you can see is a little off center. I have since added the butterfly spacer.

Final product. Yea…my first ‘build’ is complete! Waiting for Orion to come back to BLF to post his build. I hope he is ok…haven’t heard from him in a little while.


That’s actually a very cool idea. Good luck. :slight_smile:

count me in !

I’ve been thinking I should try putting a light together. I even had a parts list at one point but never even got as far as ordering. Maybe this is the push I need to get going.

Thanks for doing the give away.

Will be a fun project for the winner. :slight_smile:

Can we modify the rules to include: Must have the tools to complete the build (Soldering iron, solder/paste, flux etc.)??

If so, I’m am VERY much in!

If not, I’ll try to get stuff and build along anyway. 8)

Great idea, Krono! And thanks even if I don’t qualify!

Need to learn. Am in.

Ooh! In, please. I’ve technically never built a light [poorly soldered but working P60 drop in, yes, but not a light 0:) ].

I’m in

Wow, what a coincidence! I have been meaning to try a mod, and earlier today I ordered a soldering station to use for this .

This sounds like a good way to get started. :bigsmile:


I’m in. Bought the tools and parts to mod a couple of lights a year ago and still haven’t done them. This should be a straight forward build unlike the ones I bought parts to do.

count me in.

I’m in

I am in,(if soldering to change the mods don’t disqualify me).

is failed modding can be count as modding too krono?
if no i’m in :slight_smile:

Cool idea!

I already wanted to do some modding but I’m afraid to ruin a good light.
I own a x2000 flood to throw that I took apart and re-assembled as it was already not working 100%, and after re-assembling the tailcap switch does not work anymore :expressionless:

So starting with fresh new stuff could just be what the doctor ordered!

I think I own all the required tools, only need to buy solder flux. Soldering iron, solder, multimeter, screwdrivers, pliers, and don’t know what else is needed is available.

Thanks kronological and thanks banggood for sponsoring!

Me too!

Count me in. I have never put together a light before. I think it will be fun!

fun giveaway