Many thanks to the for organising this years contest, and to the sponsors and prize-makers for their generosity.
Might as well get this out the way now; this is going to be a quick and (hopefully) easy build: I’m going to make myself a simple P60 host.
I know, I know, I can hear the cries of “BORING” and “TOO EASY” from here, but I want to make a light I will actually use and I have a bunch of unused drop-ins lying around, so I’ve been meaning to make myself a host for some time. I thought I might as well just get on with it, document the build and join in the fun!
I know it’s all been done before and won’t win any prizes but it will be a fun learning experience and as it will be finished well before the deadline it might even give someone some ideas for their own project.
Basic components
Head and body
Whilst rummaging through my collection of used pipe fittings (everyone has a collection of used pipe fittings, right?) I discovered that a P60 drop-in was a near perfect fit inside a 22mm compression coupling. Great, I thought, all I have to do is stick that on the end of some 22mm copper pipe and voila! Instant host.
Problem is, it looks crap. In fact it looks suspiciously like you’d just stuck a pipe fitting on the end of some pipe. I considered calling it ‘steam punk’ but quickly decided that wouldn’t wash. Further thought required.
I’d set my heart on a screw-on tail cap but I have no lathe so it would have to be another ready-threaded fitting. A 22mm fitting on both ends of the pipe looked even crappier and a smaller 15mm fitting would be too small for the 22mm pipe. This was a pity since it looks a lot better and it turns out that a 16mm rubber switch boot is a near perfect fit in the end of the 15mm nut. Even better, a 17mm dia. switch is also a near perfect fit in the male half of the coupling. If only there was a way to fit the 15mm fitting onto the end of the 22mm pipe……. Further thought required.
P60 reflector in a 22mm fitting, tailcap components in a 15mm fitting.
So at this stage, this is what I will be trying to work with:
22mm brass fitting and olive, 15mm brass fitting and 22mm copper pipe. Plus drop-in, lens and switch. That’s it.