Threads can be rendered useless by the host of therein linked pics deciding to delete the latter for whatever reason, one extremely frequent example would be imageshack. Therefore use of mirrors is necessary, i.e. uploading the same pic to multiple hosts in hope of at least one persisting.
This practice is of course useless if the host is run by scumbags who will gladly take your ad revenue but delete the file after a few days, hence the need for this list.
Ideally a host won’t require registration but I guess with the situation as it is now I can’t be too picky.
File upload: - Formerly megaupload, requires registration, a bit slow but is probably here to stay unless Kim Dotcom dies of a heart attack sometime soon.
~~ new site focusing on anonymity, probably won’t last long like most new filehosters but it works for now. accessible via TOR if you’re into that http://infotombjhy7tcrg.onion/~~ infotomb is dead
File upload - Discouraged: deleted file, no reason stated deleted a file due to ‘abuse notification’ - even assuming some dirtbag actually filed a complaint, if a filehoster will delete a file like this without looking at it (some amateurish knot tying instruction, nobody would ever see this as a commercial work) that obviously makes it borderline unusable.
I use Firefox with AdblockPlus and NoScript.
Just enable scripts one at a time until it works for you, I’ve had my account for years. Thousands of photos, just gone from 1% to 2% full, never had any go missing.
Super easy to post links.
I use the exact same setup. While I have multiple accounts for different interests & purposes, I have never had a single problem with photobucket in the several years that I have used it (at least that I am aware of).
I have used inageshack for 3 years. Never had a problem that I know of. Also have files on photobucket, but switched when they updated their interface, too slow.
I don’t have a real camera, so I take pics with my Android phone. They are automatically backed up to my Google+ account and, when I need to, I link to them there.
TinyPic seems to work fine for me too. If imgur takes too long to upload, or load pages, I just go to tinypic instead. Admitedly I dont know how long they retain images for, but none of them are really permanent, sooner or later all either charge, or limit time as server space costs them money. Paying is no guarantee either.
Dont upload to an account, just upload. Ive never created an account, I just upload files. I have no control over them, but then again I dont care about them anyway.
Use an account or another source for things you want to retain control over.
OK, as an imgurite, I feel obligated to clarify some things:
if you just upload without attaching it to an account, the severs will delete the pic after 30 days of inactivity (no one viewing it)
after 225 pics, anyone viewing your profile will not be able to scroll past 225, but if they have the picture/album link, they can still view it. It will not delete them.
»As long as images are getting at least 1 view per 6 months, they will stick around forever. If an image does not receive even 1 view in 6 months, it may be removed to make room for new images. Images uploaded from Pro accounts will never be removed.«
Wasn’t aware of this. And it seems it’s not limited to anonymous uploads.