Little Garden spectrometer - Impressions, opinions, discussion


As you all know, professional spectrometers with high resolution are really, really expensive. There has been a rather active scene of people building DIY spectrometers for cheap, but they all suffer from the same issues: good quality diffraction gratings are expensive, monochrome CMOS/CCD sensors are unaffordable, and RGB CMOS sensors have bad spectral response as the pixels are limited to R, G and B.

Recently a Chinese hobbyist going by the name Lao Kang introduced his “Little Garden” spectrometer for ~60 bucks and started selling it on AliExpress. What makes this special is that he appears to have found a way for reliable and damage-free removal of the Bayer filter (the red, green and blue filter in front of pixels), making the spectral sensitivity of the CMOS chip much higher, while still being cheap enough for a hobby grade device. The diffraction grating is a delaminated DVD in transmission. All in all, this allows to reach approx. 0.6nm resolution.

If you want to see the device in action, Lao Kang has a youtube channel - the videos are in Chinese, but mostly have English subtitles, so they are easy to follow:

I ordered one of those from Aliexpress, and will present you my experience in this post. This is not an affiliate review, I paid for the spectrometer myself, and the AliExpress link above is a clean link without referral codes or similar.

Box contents and first impressions

The device arrives in a plastic box. Inside there is the spectrometer itself, a few sheets of diffusion paper (necessary to measure strong light sources like flashlights), a USB-A to USB-B cable (I wish it were USB-C…), a fluorescent lamp for wavelength calibration (more on that later) and a E27 lamp holder with a power plug (not EU, only this one is available).

The fluorescent lamp is padded, which is important, because those things are fragile and contain mercury - which is the whole reason why it is included, as calibration is performed on the 2 largest mercury emission peaks. The spectrometer is just a black box, nothing special about it. It has a hole for USB, and a second hole for the light input.


I am curious and couldn’t help myself, so I opened it up. Inside the box there is a large 3D printed frame spanning the entire box which is screwed onto the bottom. I like that the box uses threaded inserts instead of just using wood screws into plastic, like most cheaper devices do.

Interestingly, the input slit is 3D printed as well (impressive resolution, my printer could never do that, and I expected it to be made of 2 razor blades or similar). The sensor is screwed into the 3D print as well, fixing the angle of incident of the beam. The delaminated DVD is glued onto the front of the lens with a large amount of glue - this should hold up well. Still, a dedicated holder with screws would have been a bit nicer. But hey, the thing is so cheap that probably most of the purchase price went into the sensor alone. Can’t complain.

The Software

This is where you start noticing the DIY/Budget aspect. There is no dedicated software, instead Kang recommends the open source Theremino Spectrometer project. He offers a slightly modified version bundled with his spectrometer, but I honestly do not know in what sense it was modified. All source code changes are available. I have only used his version so far.

All software provided by Kang is available here: Little Garden Spectrometer software, source code and usage - Google Drive

He also offers a further modified version to calculate CCT/DUV (little garden spectrometer VO.3.exe) but that comes with its own share of problems - more on that later.

There is also this open source project that looks very promising, spectro-cam-rs by DerFetzer. I have not tested it yet, as there are no compiled binaries and I did not find the motivation to compile one myself. Also, my daily driver is a Windows notebook, and I want to use the spectrometer there. The UI looks a lot more modern and intuitive compared to the rather dated Theremino.

Unless noted otherwise, all measurements from here on will be performed with little garden spectrometer VO.2.exe.

For CCT/CRI/DUV calculations, I used the free Osram ColorCalculator, that was sadly by now removed from their page, but is still available through (the link points to the archive page already).


Wavelength calibration

This one is very easy, thanks to the included mercury fluorescent lamp. Mercury has very distinctive emission peaks at (among others) 436 nm and 546 nm. Theremino allows calibrating the spectrum with those two. You can see my calib setup below - PLEASE do not do this. Using banana plugs + crocodile clamps for mains is dumb. I was impatient and did something stupid instead of just buying a E27 holder with the correct plug for EU.

It takes about 5 minutes with waiting for the lamp to warm up to calibrate the x axis of the spectrum - easy, fast and accurate.

Response curve calibration, or a quick dive into CMOS sensors and their problems

Here comes the big catch - CMOS sensors are not really fun to use. Like most detector types, quantum efficiency of the detector is highly non-linear, and does not follow any simple mathematical behavior. A sample spectral response curve of a grayscale CMOS image sensor can be seen here (source:

This is… Not great. Particularly when you need an accurate spectral image to determine CCT/CRI/DUV. Furthermore every sensor type/model has its own response curve, and we do not have a datasheet for this particular sensor. Mr. Kang might have, but the sensor was made as a RGB sensor, so the datasheet is worthless with the removed Bayer filter as well.

This issue obviously does not affect us alone, every spectrometer in the world, whether CMOS, CCD or some oddball detector, suffers from this to some varying degree. However, professional spectrometers are calibrated with calibration light sources with known spectral distributions, and I lack such a thing. So this is where I had to start getting creative, and so far could not find a proper solution.

First things first, I measured a small 5W halogen bulb, which should (apart from the cutoff of the glass filtering UV light) mostly follow a black body radiation pattern. As you can see, the spectrum is mostly as excpected from a CMOS sensor, with a lot of peaks and dips. This needs some calibration.

Official calibrated software

Mr. Kang offers a “V0.3” software, which is supposedly calibrated, but I do not know how he did it (source code is provided, I was too lazy to check), but it makes things even worse for my sensor. Maybe he applied the offset based on pixel position on the sensor, and not wavelength after wavelength calibration? I am not sure, but either way, this is not useful.

Uncalibrated LED measurement

I tried to measure some LEDs (XHP70.3 HI R70 4000K) with the uncalibrated spectrometer, and results are… Well. Not totally off, but the curve is weird, and depending on the LED CCT/DUV/R9 are completely off or somewhat okay. Overall, not usable in this state. Check @koef3’s test of the same LED to see how the spectrum should look like. The weird peaks and dips in the halogen spectrum also translated into the LED spectrum and completely mess up the results.

Calibration with halogen bulb

Among my old car spare parts I still found a Osram H7U 55W bulb - the interesting aspect of these is that the “U” stands for UV. These have no UV filter (or rather, are made out of quartz glass which does not filter UV). This should allow for a easier calibration, right?


Turns out, no. Not at all.

From here on I worked in R, a programming language made mainly for data evaluation. All CCT/CRI values in the upcoming graphs are computed by the colorspec library for R

First, I tried using the colorspec library to estimate the CCT of the measured H7U curve, and used that to fit a black body radiation curve. Then I calculated the multiplicative error of each datapoint, and created a calibration curve. Applying this to the XHP70.3 HI led to a very reasonable result, and I thought “nice!”. Until I tried the same with a B35AM 3500K. Obviously this method does not work. Which kinda makes sense, 4100K is way too hot (the halogen bulb would immediately die at such filament temperatures). The incomplete spectrum obviously threw the CCT calculation off by a large margin. Damn it.

Note the image descriptions for information what is depicted in each of the following images.

Next up I remembered I have an Opple LM4 and tried to get the halogen bulb CCT with the Opple. Opple claimed 4300K. Apparently the sensor struggles with the high IR and UV contents, and the reconstruction algorithm was made for LED light and is completely clueless when it comes to halogen light. There goes my next idea.

Next up, I got some advise from out favorite LED tester, koef3. He said halogen bulbs should have CCTs between 3000K and 3100K. So this is what I set my algorithm to. Does not look much better either, does it?

Note the image descriptions for information what is depicted in each of the following images.

Using a candle and assuming a CCT of 2000K, I get a complete runaway of reds in the spectrum. The LEDs are again B35AM 3500K and XHP70.3 4000K R70.

Temporary calibration verdict

This is where I am currently stuck in my calibration attempts. I will update this topic once I find time and ideas to continue my efforts :slight_smile:

14 Thanks

–reserved for future content–

So you need a reference light or a spectrometer to calibrate your spectrometer? :upside_down_face:

1 Thank

That’s pretty much the gist.

I’m currently talking with koef about him handing me a halogen bulb with a spectrum measured on his setup when we meet, so I can then use that to calibrate my spectrometer and make it useful ^^

1 Thank

your post is informative to me, thank you.
btw, do you know the mono sensor Little Garden uses since you opened it up

1 Thank

I do not, sadly. I tried not to keep it open for too long and only took some fast pictures since I was afraid of getting dust on the diffraction grating.

I only know it used to be a RGB sensor of which the person who made it removed the Bayer filter. 1920x1080 pixels. So I guess some generic webcam sensor.

Whoa this looks very usable! Could you also test the usability on Linux? I know theremino is native win, supposedly usable under wine but that’s almost never ideal…

I wanted to give the other open source software I posted a try anyway, I’ll try compiling it on Linux. The wavelength calibration should be supported in both in the same way, and the spectral calculation I am currently doing externally in R anyway, will probably move it to Python once I got it working (using R to experiment since I am more familiar with it).

Ideally I will write a small python script that will do the entire CCT/CRI/DUV calculation and spectral plots by itself, eventually. But that depends whether I can find Python libraries for that. Not gonna code it myself.

Wonder if a Jupyter notebook would be better suited than a bare Python script, since it can display all the graphs and results in a nice graphical way without having to dive into Python UIs (and make that stuff cross platform too).

2 Thanks

I ordered one of these to try based on a couple people reporting reasonable results. I can get it to produce a curve that looks normal, but the SPD data gives clearly inaccurate results in ColorCalculator. I also noticed the spreadsheet provided for calculations seems to give inaccurate CRI.

It’s difficult for me to continue testing, since I don’t have a Windows computer and the software doesn’t work well in the UTM VM I tried. I was most interested to see if it might be a more accurate upgrade from the slightly sketchy Opple devices that have become so prevalent in recent years.

2 Thanks

and what did you conclude…
is the Little Garden

  1. as easy to use as the Opple?
  2. less sketchy? :wink:

Ive been trying to follow this thread and so far, it is not sounding like the Little Garden is easy to use at all… nor is it sounding like it is as accurate as Color Munki…

and Im not reading a clear answer whether the Little Garden is a recommended upgrade over my Opple…

I have both Opple 3 and 4… I prefer Opple 3, but imo even Opple 4 can be more useful than nothing but a wall of words and outdoor beamshots :wink:

what say you?

I think I narrowed my issues down - halogen incandescent bulbs are in fact not black body radiators. At least not great ones.

This is the spectral response of a light source from Thorlabs, halogen based, aimed at being close to a black body. Still a significant difference. Makes me wonder just how much deviation my generic car headlight bulb will have.


So I think the only way forward is using a light source for which I have a spectral response function - aka either fork over money for a proper calibration source (not gonna happen) or (which is what I will do) use the halogen bulb koef3 is about to provide me with a full measured spectral response.

Since I hope all sensors behave pretty much the same (I see no reason why they should not, spectral response is a pretty determined behavior at sensor fabrication level), I think my calibration for one little garden should be possible to use with others as long as Kang does not change the sensor used in his devices.

Sounds silly, but have you tried a candle? It’s not very bright, but has one of the most accurate spectral curves you can get for reasonable amount of money. IIRC @Bob_McBob posted some charts a few days ago.

edit: Nope, it was @Palantiri

Hmm, worth a try - not sure if I will manage to get a measurement of a candle, however - the thing needs quite some input brightness.

I updated the start post with a candle spectrum. Even worse now :smiley:

EDIT: For halogen bulbs, the candle calibration seems to do okay… I am starting to doubt it is possible to calibrate this thing at all :smiley:

Tiny G9 (I think) 5W bulb:

H7U 55W Osram car headlight:

I’m a bit confused: the two spectra displayed don’t seem to be normalized so that there is equal area under both curves. Without such normalization one could not identify the same spectra emitted at different intensities as same.

Also if one looks at the visible part only (300-800nm) and scale by a multiplicative constant, the blue and red spectra are essentially identical.

I don’t think the two products compare. The little garden is a raw spectroscope that exposes a modified USB camera to a computer and the UX and available measurements are down to the software package you use to interpret its raw uncalibrated output. Opple devices are self-contained dedicated test equipment that measure specific light properties such as specific spectral bins, flicker, illuminance etc. that require a proprietary app on a phone. They’re convenient but for me personally the requirment to run a closed binary on my device is a deal-breaking amount of sketch.

actually you can use luxpy, it’s very easy to use it to calculate CCT/CRI/DUV.

1 Thank

you have to wait, sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Oh dear please do not apologise, I’m not annoyed at the product at all, on the contrary, it’s perfect! For my use cases (measuring spectral properties of fluorescent or coloured materials) a raw spectroscope is much preferable, plus it will work with my pure FLOSS Linux setup as opposed to an opple. Also, for the tinkerers among us a software-defined featureset is more interesting than a more dedicated hardware widget.

2 Thanks

The way we calibrate spectrometers on astronomical telescopes is by comparison to well known reference stars. Obviously most stars are too faint for you, but there is one that is bright enough; the Sun. Have you tried a calibration against a solar spectrum as your reference source? The solar spectrum is well known and widely published. The ugly unknown will be atmospheric absorption for your observing site. Ideally you would do this with the sun at the zenith, which depending where you are may not be possible, but you could try at noon and make some atmospheric absorption estimates.