Remember Little Nellie? With the Saik 305 host? She needed a makeover, so we went to the beauty parlor, and she met a companion: (LN on the left)
Had to redo the business end. The red ring is nothing more than a piece of red wire insulation. Added the right color "tint stripe." Silver for cool and gold for neutral/warm. Added nonskid tape to sides.
Got my Int'l. Outdoor order today. Those blue tailcap boots look great IMO:
Little Nellie's companion is a 5000K neutral done up in the same electrical configuration as all of my mods. (3X slaved 8X7135 boards, anywhere I can stuff 'em!) Reflectors are from DX.
Any polishing on both lights is done with graduating grades of sandpaper and steel wool finished up with Mother's Mag polish.
Look, Ma!! 32650!
Battery was stripped of outer coating, tube done the po' white trash way-by hand. Lathes are for the rich. Notice that a Solarforce switch with all parts will screw right in, had to add one loop of a P60 spring under the ring so it would tighten. Made a clear plastic insulating disk from a salad container. Shortened the spring, soldered a resistance braid, and added a copper anti-chew/contact washer.
Another mod I did coupla months ago. It's a lot of work to post pics... shoot, get them on to the computer, photoshop, upload to Photobucket and post here. That's why I don't do this often! But I had to show these two girls off!
BTW, here's the real Little Nellie:
I had been watching Bond when I did the first light and somehow the name just fit, since both Bond's machine and LN have such an attitude!