

I’ll be able to replace all my 26650s after I roll all the tags up into button tops. They have a really good capacity.

Looks like a lot of value for your money! ;)

WTF?! so…those are pack pulls that they didn’t rip the tabs off of and re-wrapped?!

Super Duper Megga Wega MilliAmpHours from Ultrafire (Uitrafire ?) cells with tabs that wants to look like Trustfire Flames !
A Bargan-Basement-Barn Deal ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Those are a bit expensive for slingshot ammo.

Depends how worthy the target is.

This is classic!

well now that there are a bunch of 3400 and even 3600 mah cells on the market, the trustfire flames that are 3000mah are no longer seen as desireable… (maybe they were to some back when 2400mah was the standard)

Trustfire marketing:
“Whats the highest capacity cell on the market now?”

…. “3600mah”

“Oh wow thats good, lets triple it!”


Ultrafire Lightning? I need some of these!!

Not to sound like I’m a shill for TrustFire, but if you go through the manufacturer directly, they don’t sell any ridiculous-claim batteries, like 5000mAh 18650’s. Just trying to dispel the common misconception that all *Fire batteries are crap. Reviews seem good from what I can find on their 26650’s, and others have tested the protected 32650’s with good results. I’ve had good luck w/ their midrange 2400 mAh 18650 protected batteries, for example. Their sales rep that I have ordered quite a bit from recently has been nothing but honest and open with me, and I have to respect that/feel obligated to pay it forward.

TL;DR: Real TrustFire batteries are a good deal, if you can trust the supplier.

I use trustfire flames all the time with good results, they are good batteries for the money if they are genuine

As usual, a “0” too much in the mAh rating… :wink:

sold out….
tesla motors cleaned them out.mileage on a charge just doubled.
sanyo,panasonic,lg,ect got some serious catching up to do.

But look at that snazzy packaging, its sad that i know of people who would buy it just for that

I think you should have some more info in the original post, i don’t like clicking on links with no identification

Don’t worry…they will be replaced by these steaming cow patties.

can do better on ebay if you are digging for garbage.\_sacat=0&\_sop=15&\_nkw=18650+battery+5000mah&\_frs=1\_sacat=0&\_nkw=18650+battery+5300mah&\_sop=15&\_frs=1\_sacat=0&\_sop=15&\_nkw=18650+battery+5600mah&\_frs=1

All those are all from China though. They make all the cells down there so they have the latest high capacity cells! They only sell them to us on FleaBay as a favor :slight_smile:

- Joe

Ultro Fite with 4.200 mAh


Rechargeable Times: Up to 500 times.
Over charge and discharge protection.
Capacity: 4200mAh.
Voltage: 4.2V.Safe and environmental friendly.

11 reviews so far. Check out the “timing”.

Ultro (latin) “voluntairy”
Fite (gaelic) “woven”


At least it has some honesty, up to 500 charges can mean even 1 recharge