Looking for IC to control modes - suggestions?

I am designing my own buck driver to replace the stock board in this:

The driver is extremely underpowered, so I’m going to make something better myself.

I have a fair amount of experience with the design of buck circuits themselves, but what I’m wondering is whether you guys know of any ICs that can introduce modes into the mix - high/med/low would be fine. It occurs to me that if I design my buck to really push these LEDs, it’s going to be far too bright to be practical 90% of the time.

So I’d like to add modes, but I’ve never come across an IC that does this. Having never dealt with adding modes to a simple driver circuit, I don’t know how this is traditionally accomplished. It would be great if the IC was able to simply introduce / remove resistance from the pathway to the buck regulator’s FB pin. That said, I’m a little out of my element.

If anyone even knows the names of a couple ICs that do this, it would be hugely helpful. Frankly, even knowing the terminology / what this type of IC would be called, could help me on my path to figuring this out.

Look into the attiny 13, thats what a lot of popular drivers use including my personal favorite the nanjg 105c.
Dr Jones has some really great firmware for it. I use nlite on my lights with no memory.

Oh neat idea. Hadn’t thought of using a programmable chip.

I presume you just tie one of the attiny pins to the IC’s enable pin?

Pretty much. Theres a thread somewhere around here that had the schematic for the 105c, but I’m having trouble finding it right now.
These threads might help get you started
