6x 18650 12x T6 5A KD (Update Aliexpress/rhd Banggood)

Found this on Aliexpress


Thanks rhd, Better Price at Banggood and use BLF Discount:

13800 lumens :~


Nice! Pretty cool, one of the first shorties with this many emitters.

I bet its comfortable to hold too. I have long fingers :wink:

Even if this has one third of its proclaimed lumens, it’d be a beasty flooder


it would be nice to see all of these multi “t6s” become xml2 t6s - would be more of a mod friendly light as replacing 12x emitters with xml2s would be… expensive

:heart_eyes: nice , but 6 bateries maybe are too much bateries for me


Is it a little tricky keeping 6 series stacked batteries in balance?

I don’t think it would be significantly more difficult than three cells. I would want to start with new, good quality cells, and use a charger with low (10mV or less) balance tolerance. I’d charge them often and avoid discharging them too low.

Looks like 2S3P => not so tricky.

Voltage Input:


That's more than 2s, no?

That's more like wrong specs to me. ;)

See the battery tube:

I guess everyone reuses pages and copy/pastes new info but almost always miss something.

Nice find!
Finally they made it, I have wishing it for a long time 3p2s or similiar because the 3 or 4 26650 can’t deliver enough current for the multi XML lights.
This could be perfect…if I wouldn’t have the 9xt6 which I bought to a similiar price I would definitely buy this beast.

Just a quick theoretical calculation to make clear what I mean:
12 XMLs need 120W, 120W/7V/3parallelbatts=5.7A per battery.

But I guess the driver will suck.

I don’t trust the description but if 5A tailcapcurrent would be true, the light would really suck…

man i really want one of these. i been waiting for someone to make a shorty too. if i can somehow know or find out if this light is at least 4500 lumens.

or actually, do you guys think this battery tube will fit onto my 9xml ak47?

It will not fit…
Two 18650 beneath are two times 18mm…36mm
One 26650 is 26 mm wide…

So it can’t work.

thanks, i shoulda been able to just know that it wouldnt fit already haha. obviously 3 18650’s carrier are gonna be bigger than a 26650 cell.

I wonder what the diameter of the head is.

Hey all,

I own this light now :slight_smile: I really like it, but I don’t have a frame of reference other than the King.

It pulls around 4A max at the tailcap. The lights are powered by two sets of wires off the driver, and the driver contains two identical inductors. By my best estimate, the driver is basically two boost drivers on one PCB both powering 6x emitters in series.

By my math, the driver is pulling in around 30W max with fresh cells. If it’s 90% efficient, then the emitters see around 27W in aggregate, max, or around 2.25W each. That probably corresponds to being driven at around 700ma.

Certainly, there’s a lot of room for driver upgrades here.

Would you mind sharing some photos of the driver?

Have you made a picture of the driver?