M44 with UV 365nm option

I don’t remember where I saw the post on the buck driver, but it’s what made me interested enough to post. I assume it was on BLF, but I occasionally check Reddit for news on Hank’s lights. Anyway, Hank said the DM11 would use the same boost driver that was already used on the XHP35 Hi K1.

Hank do you already know what will be the throwiest option for the DM11? Will it top the KR1?

The throwiest option will be Osram CSLNM1. If it’s driven to peak brightness (4-5A) we should see ~160kcd from it with this optic. The beam should look virtually identical go Acebeam E10 and Thrunite Catapult Mini, it’ll just be a little brighter hopefully.

KR4 tint ramping version is available for now,

D4V2 tint ramping version will be available as well.


Awesome. Is there a D4v2 or do you only mean D4sv2?

there is now a tint ramping D4V2 (source )

Just got these today! They are great! Thanks Hank!


Ugh! What LEDS to choose! I’ve settled on 2700K Nichia 219B. But for the other channel. 4000K 351d? Sst20? Or 4500k Nichia 219B?

I think 2700/4500 219b sounds like the right answer. 4000/2700 sst20 is also nice.

Do you think it would be odd to mix emitters? Nichia 219B and sst20 or 351d?

Different beam profiles, I don’t think it’ll blend nicely.

I wonder how the LH351D with its higher forward voltage performs with just two LEDs and the linear driver.

219B 2700/4500 or LH351D 2700/5000? Efficiency, max output, throw? How do they compare with this driver?

The 90CRI LH351D has similar Vf curve to the SST-20, see maukka’s tests : Samsung LH351D color testing - #12 by maukka

Well at least this sample, and another I checked myself.

I don’t see the LH351D in the menu though ? Is it a special request ? I don’t know what CRI is offered.

Thanks. Didn’t know the CRI 90 version has a lower Vf than the CRI 70 version. Still unsure which one I should choose. :smiley:

The LH351D with 90+ was available on request for some time already, but is officially listed for the tint ramping versions:

I like my KR4 e21a. I wish it had a lower low, and slower ramping, especially at lower lumens. I struggle to get a good lower setting for reading because it ramps too fast. Has this changed?

Hank, when will the DM11 be released?

Hanks current sst20 4000k (what i gottoday in the d4sv2 dual channel) are the nicest i have ever seen. nicer then FireFlies and fw3a of old, and i had 100% plan to chnage them in both lights, i cant. their as nicely tinted as my pretty decent xpl-hi 5D's.

Just fyi if anyone wants sst20 2700k/4000k d4sV2 dual channel. it is. REALLY nice with those two emitters. And i pretty despise sst20 leds. lol. I just got them to change them with some of the many xpl-hi i have. Well, the sst20 are staying in these lights.

Did you set your lowest ramp to 1? It’s a default of 3 out of the box, and needs to be set to 1 to enable the moon light level. I don’t think it’s possible to go lower than the light level of 1 on this driver. Although I actually find the level 1 setting to be very nice on the e21a LEDs.

Having said that, it sounds like slower ramping is possible with the latest Anduril 2, along with more granularity at the low settings, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFMLX0Ijoo4 I haven’t tested that myself yet (waiting for my reflashing kit to arrive), but it seems like it will fix my two biggest issues with Anduril (granularity at low, and ramp speed).

A lot of things have changed recently… below is a summary:

Ramp stuff

  • Better low + high modes
    • Smoother, slower ramp on lowest levels (uses pulse frequency modulation combined with pulse width modulation to get higher resolution while generating control voltage signals for the current regulator)
    • Faster moon activation from off, with adjustable “jump start” correction factor.
    • Eliminated (or at least greatly reduced) audible sound when DD FET is at 50% power on Linear+DDFET lights.
  • Faster auto-reverse on 1H for ramping up/down, because the old timing was too slow.
  • More configurable options
    • Smooth ramp speed (can slow it down)
    • Choose whether hold-from-off should ramp up or stay at moon
    • Select turbo style, one setting for Simple UI and one for Advanced UI. Three styles available:
      • No turbo: hard limit at ceiling
      • Anduril 1 style: 2C while on goes to full power
      • Anduril 2 style: 2C while on goes to ceiling, unless ramped up to ceiling first, which would go to full power

Misc stuff

  • Auto-lock can work in Simple UI if configured that way.
  • Easier to enter large numbers in config menus. During a number entry prompt, click for +1, or hold for +10.
  • Faster thermal regulation on 3-channel lights like D4Sv2 (FET+3+1) and D18 (FET+13+1).
  • Made party strobe flashes more consistent.
  • Fixed corner cases in hybrid memory (manual memory with a timer).

Tint ramping…

  • Support for tint ramping on D4S and KR4. Can also work on K9.3 and D4.
  • Allows “200% power” turbo with both tints running at 100%. The color space for this is shown below, shaped like a house. Can also use DD FET on one channel, but it’s usually not a visible difference.
  • User can choose tint-ramp or tint-toggle. It’s in the hardware-specific config menu (Advanced mode Off 9H).
  • Fixed occasional flicker on inactive tint channel.
  • Enabled middle tint at moon level.

On tint-ramp lights, the user can ramp in two directions: Tint and brightness. These are mostly independent of each other, so brightness remains steady while changing tint, and tint remains steady while changing brightness. However, when going above 100% power, this is not always possible. Go bright enough, and it hits a roof, basically, and then must ramp toward the middle tint in order to get any brighter.

So now the color space has a floor, a ceiling, an attic, a roof, and a peak. Please don’t ask me to add a patio.

Depending on how things go, however… I might have to add a chimney. This would allow the DD FET to be used by itself on one channel for a special 1-channel turbo mode. Ironically, this would also be the mode most likely to produce smoke.

Some lights ship with a floor level higher than the minimum, and the user can raise the floor if desired, so there is also sort of a “basement” where a moon mode can be found.

More details are in the user manual.