M44 with UV 365nm option

Thanks, all the SST-20 4000K are FA3, and SST-20 2700K are JD2.

Hopefully, it should be before November, 15.

The LEDs options are SST-20, XP-L HI, Osram W1/W2, XHP35 HI, SST-40, SFT-40 (not LED stock for now), B35AM R9080 (2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 4500K, 5000K, 5700K)

Thanks for the laugh.

Changes are looking great, I gotta get some pogo pins now.

So when will the tint ramping D4v2 be available?

It’s up now, you can also request the same configuration for other D4V2/KR4 materials.

Thanks! I ordered it! Wooo!

Btw. Does one control the switch LED with anduril too?

Thanks, the swich LED is controled by UI as well, just like the one in the D4V2 TI.

Any chance you will make a dual channel for the DT8?

Is it possible to go W1 on one channel and LH351D 5000k on the other? Thanks, Hank!

Looking forward to this, thank you.
What kind of driver will the 3V LED’s be using?

So it seems this new function is implemented in the new D4V2 and KR4 - right?

From the description: “Anduril 2 firmware, user choose the tint ramping or instant channel switching, Advanced mode Off -> 9H, first menu item: 0C: tint-ramping (smooth) 1C: instant channel switching 4 LEDs can be on at the same time with full power.”


nice!! I'm much more exited now for this!

also- b45am ?? Oooohh, is that 4 x e21a?? Sorry all of these Nichia models are new to me.

Yes, same die size as E21A but 4 of them on a 3.65x3.65mm package, with less phosphor around the dies so less angle tint shift (more uniform beam), limited to 4A (6V).

Edit : didn’t see the typo, it’s B35AM.

No B35?

B35 is the whole last 2 lines of that post

Above, i asked about this and The Freeman responded, it's a typo. I thought the B45AM was another, different Nichia LED i had not heard about. Just a typo from Hank apparently. :))

A DT8 with 2000k + 5000k e21 tint ramping model would be so cool!


Are you talking about the original KR4 driver or Anduril 2?

The driver hardware is the same and the default ramp settings are the same between the A1/A2 versions. Newer A2 versions have dynamic PWM to slow down the ramp speed at lower levels but you still need to manually set the ramp floor to level 1.

What are the differences of these 2?
