M44 with UV 365nm option

One has FET drive enabled for channel 1. It’s for K9.3, where there are enough emitters on channel 1 that FET drive won’t fry them.

The other one doesn’t have FET drive enabled on channel 1, and it’s for the 2 channel variants of D4V2, D4SV2, and KR4.

Edit: I am wrong. TK has weighed in below.

Thanks but both the above firmware are listed for D4SV2 tintramp model where else the K9.3 have its own FET and non-FET variants.

For anyone wanting to update or modify the firmware on a light they have… read the README file to figure out which flavor to use. It’s not very long. Here’s a copy of what it says:

|How to figure out which .hex file to use
|1. Use the version check function to find out which flavor of the 
|   firmware the light shipped with. It should blink out a date and maybe 
|   a 4-digit number after the date -- YYYYMMDDNNNN.  Write this down.
|   Version check is 15 or more clicks from off.
|2. Match up the 4-digit NNNN number in the MODELS file.
|3. Find the newest firmware for that model.  You may need to scroll down 
|   to reach the newest files.
|If the version doesn't include a model number, it's older, but you could 
|still look up the model in the PRODUCTS file to see which version it 
|probably uses:
|  https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2/view/head:/PRODUCTS

The full list is in the MODELS file. Here’s a quick summary of a few…

Regular single-color lights:

  • 0113 emisar-d4v2: D4v2 with a FET+1 driver (DD FET + 350mA linear)
  • 0114 emisar-d4v2-219: Same, but with DD FET power reduced.
  • 0115 emisar-d4v2-nofet: Same, but with DD FET disabled completely.
  • 0133 emisar-d4sv2: D4Sv2 with a FET+3+1 driver (DD FET + 1.05A + 350mA linear)
  • 0134 emisar-d4sv2-219: Same, but with DD FET power reduced
  • 0211 noctigon-kr4: 5A (or 7.5A or 9A) linear channel plus DD FET
  • 0212 noctigon-kr4-nofet: Same, but no DD FET
  • 0213 noctigon-kr4-219: Reduced DD FET power (Nichia 219C)
  • 0214 noctigon-kr4-219b: Reduced DD FET power (Nichia 219B)

Two-color tint-ramping or tint-toggle lights:

  • 0135 emisar-d4sv2-tintramp: D4Sv2 and D4v2 two-color driver with two independent linear channels (9A+9A or 5A+5A or 9A+5A or whatever is appropriate for the LEDs)
  • 0136 emisar-d4sv2-tintramp-fet: Same, but with a DD FET added to channel 1. Not usually necessary.
  • 0215 noctigon-kr4-tintramp: Like the D4/D4S tint-ramp build, but modified for KR4 hardware. Not compatible because switch is on a different pin.

K9.3 is still being sorted out. It currently uses a tint-toggle-only build which uses some weird custom code, so I need to integrate it into the main tint-ramp code for future maintainability.

  • Tint toggle only:
    • 0261 noctigon-k9.3
    • 0262 noctigon-k9.3-nofet
    • 0263 noctigon-k9.3-219
  • Tint ramp (can also toggle, but doesn’t have single-channel turbo):
    • 0265 noctigon-k9.3-tintramp-nofet
    • 0266 noctigon-k9.3-tintramp-fet
    • 0267 noctigon-k9.3-tintramp

Those last 3 need to be merged into the 3 before them, instead of having 2 complete sets.

Thanks TK

Any plan for stepped tint-ramp? Smooth tint-ramp is interesting, but to more easily reproduce a preferred tint, a stepped tint-ramp mode will be pretty useful too.

Already suggested that a few hours ago in the IRC channel. Could be done in the tint ramping config menu. Instead of “ramping or toggle” it could be:

- 0 = smooth ramping

- 1 = tint ramping disabled, always 50/50

  • >1 = n steps (2 would be toggle like previously)

I love this idea. I’ve been wanting precisely this on an LT1 for months.

What are the dimensions of the mcpcb?

Any word on whether E21A will be an option for tint ramping? I’d love to do a 3500k / 2000k…

Hello, any problems with manufacturing? Or delayed because of SFT-40? Maybe you can make SBT90.2 version in meantime :slight_smile:

I think Hank should release a "s" version of this exact light (DM11s), that has a reflector, and sbt90.2 LED


Dumb question: is this the same optic used in the manker MC13? I love the beam profile but the output feels weak with the W1 when using outdoors. I’d rather sacrifice some throw for double the lumens, SFT40 would be perfect.

I believe it’s the same. At the very least, it’s in the same optic family. The angle may or may not be slightly different.

Somewhere between 2mm² and 4mm² is the Goldilocks zone for this sized optic for use as a mid range thrower imo. I swapped a boost HX into my X1L and its a great ‘scanning’ pocket thrower. The loss in throw I would exchange any day for the lumens / beam angle. If the Yinding round 5050 didn’t have terrible tint, that would be the undisputed winner for nearly all throwers between 25 and 50mm bezel. The W1 for me drops out of favor right around 38-40mm, unless an aspheric/fresnel is being used with zero spill.

great info! Thanks for that, as I have been eyeing the X1L for about a month now, wondering how it'd be with a CULPM1 in it. I'm also thinking about putting a CULPM1 in my mc13

My X1L is currently in the ‘broken down’ pile. I hated the UI soooo much I just couldn’t stand it — I destroyed the driver trying to mod it. That and I think the best intensity numbers I got were like 110 or 115kcd iirc with the HL so i couldn’t justify it over my convoy m2 w1 (103kcd t.o.) with a forward clicky and one mode ui (how I like my throwers). The DM11 gets everything right here for me except its a side switch. I just have a really hard time with those ergonomically. Ymmv

I’m holding out for the ‘KR4S’ still. That is a 21700 KR4 with D4S optic. ‘KR1S’ could be the natural single emitter twin.

Please hank. I beg you <3

I’d buy that. It would basically look like a slightly upsized KR1 right? KR1 is possibly the most attractive and most ergonomic light I’ve ever used.

I’d also buy a 21700 light that’s between D4V2 and D4SV2 in size, like Sofirn IF22A, just with all the Hank features.

It might be time for me to make another light design that Hank will never produce, haha.

Ah, well good info again.. I forgot that the X1l has a different UI. I also would love this KR4s you speak of - the LEDIL optic is one of my favorite (and i think a Hank community favorite too), and I would be even more excited about the KR1s. I like the ergo's of the KR1 a ton. I have been rebuilding D1, and the KR1 still has an advantage, smaller lights like these, for me, need tail switches. One reason ive never really enjoyed the D4v2 - too small with a side switch.

Lets talk about new emitter options, shall we?

I’ll start, Nichia 519A R9080 that can be run at XPL-HI currents…

This looked very promising and exciting, until I used a DUV calculator to get the DUV from the X and Y values and saw that it is above BBL.