M44 with UV 365nm option

How much?

BTW not all is looking for pink beam. Sometimes (many times) neutral is what we need and to be run at 5Amp

True but not much (0.0015~0.0020), and for B35As Nichia reports turned out to be sligtly higher than what I got in diffusing optics at low currents, furthermore it decreases significantly at high currents (I binned about 10 of them), note that 519A and B35A uses the same chip.

The 519A also has the particularity of having the phosphor encapsulated in a glass lens with a silicone dome on top, dedoming it should be very straightforward, probably just by popping off the dome, which should lower the duv and significantly increase throw. This being (hopefully) much simpler to do reliably compared to other LEDs (all silicone) I would imagine that Hank could consider offering them domed and dedomed.

That said a ā€kā€ bin bellow the BBL would be the best, I wonder if with enough order quantity one can request a custom chromacity.

Well, that would be another light Iā€™d be required to buy.

i think a lot of people would buy it. And it may not be too much difficulty for him if he only offered 1 emitter option in the reflector version- the sbt90.2. That would mean only 1 reflector design would be necessary. Of course it would need a different driver than "regular dm11." but, maybe K1 driver could be used?

I don't know, something worth bringing up to Hank.

519A is pretty exciting - like an LH351D with better color.

Itā€™s the B35A Iā€™m excited about seeing in production lights though, in large part because it forces the use of a boost driver. I still hope Hank decides some day to produce a slim (18650, but slimmer than the D4) single-emitter light with the B35A. Iā€™d probably need several of those (donā€™t worry, Iā€™m definitely buying a DM11).

Any new news Hank?

How large does the DM11 b35am beam look compared to the DM11 sft40 beam?

Any chance we could see a picture of the 2 hotspots next to each other?

Yes, please refer to this image.

Thanks Hank! So the Nichia is the only one using the medium optic? Or the 35HI as well?

That's too aggressive floody optic for B35. It's almost the same size as XHP35, almost. no need for a flood like that.

Nichia B35AM is the only one using medium optic, others are all with the small angle optics.

As I understand it, the narrow optic results in artifacts with the B35A.

That is my understanding as well. Hank, it would be good to see the B35AM with narrow, just so why know why it requires medium optic.

The B35AM beam is actually very even and smooth. The reason why we choose the medium optic for B35 is because the beam with narrow optic is with a black spot in the center, which does not look good.

I know you canā€™t truly judge from side-by-side shots but that B35AMā€™s tint looks terrific!

I wish there was an in-between option for B35AM, narrow optic with very light frosting or something. That hot spot is much larger than I expected, I was also hoping for around XHP35 HI size. I do really want to try the B35AM LED, but I donā€™t know if I will have a use for it with that floody beam profile.

I wonder if the narrow optic with DC Fix would have more throw and solve the dark spot problem, or if it would basically come out to the same as medium optic? Hank, if I buy B35AM DM11 could I also purchase an additional narrow optic? Might be worth trying.

+1 for option to purchase with second narrow optic.

I know it wouldnā€™t work with Aux LEDs, but how would the beam be in a orange peel reflector? Any dark spots?

I had the same issue with one of my builds. It turned out the emitter was sitting too low.

After I sanded optic legs it turned out perfect.

All emitters you offer are a bit taller than B35 thus not causing imperfect focus. If you adjust TIR properly you could have even better throw results.

Anyhow I'll order mine with a clear optic if that's ok with you, adjusting it later on.

You nailed it. I would recommend counter boring the optic leg holes on the b35am mcpcb to lower the optic. The emission surface height difference between the sft40 and b35am is greater than 0.5mm I bet (donā€™t have the datasheets pulled up right now).
We would never think to not tune the height of a reflector, but we seem to all just forget the concept when it comes to TIRs.
Itā€™s easy, especially with flat emitters, once youā€™ve dialed in oneā€¦ keep the relative height the same vs the top of the LED.

This is great news and a perfect solution. I hope it is resolved directly from stock light.