M44 with UV 365nm option

Similar observation with the Olga RS (clear TIR) and B35A, if the optic is sitting higher than the MCPCB (like on an aux board) the spot has a darker yellow spot in the middle, if it sits directly on the MCPCB the darker spot is gone.

Have you tested a Z height of zero vs LES? Is there a dark or yellow spot there?

Told ya!

I first notice this phenomenon when i got E17 first time and i had to lower reflector to get proper focus. Ever since all of them E17/21/B35 requires some TIR/reflector tuning.

Just tested 0.75mm (relative to the mcpcb), according to the datasheet the led is 0.73mm high, and the solder layer appear as thin as possible, the darker yellow spot is still visible.
Previously I tested 0.9mm : darker spot visible, and 0 at which the darker spot is gone, the beam looks somewhat more ā€ringyā€.
0.30mm : still a darker spot.

This is without candela measurements, not sure which way improve or degrade throw.

Is the b35am suitable for any of hanks other lights? Seems like it would be neat in a d18 or d4s

seeing those beam profiles confirms I am definitely ordering the XHP 35 hi first. The temptation is still there to try the b35am because it is new to me and very interesting, but I have been mildly obsessed with xhp35 HI 3000k recently and have about 10 lights now with it. I have to see how the dm11 compares!

Has anyone else been checking Intl-outdoor.com 2-3 times a day, For the last couple of days?

this is so true, I adjust the reflector height and centering ring in almost every thrower I have or I get, and definitely in every single one I change the LED in. I can honestly say I've never adjusted the height of a TIR..

EDIT: now I'm thinking more about it, wish I would've tried that on some of my kr4 & D4 with Osram Before either swapping the emitters or getting rid of them. Wonder if some of the rings in those beams could've been eliminated?? Dammit! Lol. Now I know what I need to do.

The B35A is a 6 volt emitter. Only the K1 offers a suitable driver, though itā€™s configured for 12V.

Thanks for answering!

After tuning it a bit, I managed to use the small angle optic for the B35AM LED, the dark spot in the beam is elimiated, the beam is clean now. The candela has jumped from 25kcd to 48kcd, now the B35AM version can also be called a small thrower.

Wow thank you Hank! and to everyone who chipped in!

A great result!


Great to hear about the improved throw from B35AM after tuning! Do you happen to have an updated release estimate for DM11? Iā€™m waiting to place a big order until after itā€™s available.

Also, can you tell me what the maximum regulated current is for Noctigon K1 with SBT90.2? Is it 5A or 7.5A like some of your other Linear+FET drivers? Iā€™m working on a review and would love to include this detail.

Thank you for all the great work you do!

Very nice, this is a really awesome development! Is there any chance you will still provide the option for the wide-angle optic for this or any other emitter? I know this is supposed to be a thrower, but that floody profile with the other optic was pretty nice in my opinion, it would be fun to try them both out

High CRI, rosy, reportedly efficient TIR thrower? Canā€™t wait

This is an awesome development! Thanks Hank! 48kcd is super impressive for this emitter :open_mouth:

Excellent, Hank! Iā€™m really looking forward to the DM11!

B35AM with tuning looks great! Brb burying my wallet.

You are welcome.

Told yaā€¦

I'm thinking of adding DC-Fix film if it's going to be needed but yes, flood optic might be a good idea to add as an option.

Hi Hank, are you able to get some of the Chinese-made flat emitters? I think the SFS80 is also a great option and I like it more than the SFT40.