M44 with UV 365nm option

5W is just a description of the LED. Doesn’t necessarily tell you what it’s actually being driven at.

The W2 is a 4.2W led. So is the 519a.

High. Convoy sells a UV with 2 cells in series and a buck.

1 Thank

FET or not FET, it would be great to be able to maintain turbo mode at 200% in some cases including tint ramping. This would avoid regression with the old firmware.

A sixth mode can be added (both with adjustable tint and can reach full power) but this may take a long time to set up.

Instead, I would suggest adding an option to the extra ramp setup menu:

  • an option by default with 200% turbo for both channel modes only (linked together)

  • another option with 200% turbo for both channel modes linked together, adjustable tint and auto blend. For channel 1 or 2 I don’t know, it’s probably not useful when the user is intentionally on one channel only.

And by the way, thanks for the good work : Anduril is great :slight_smile:

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edit: non-relevant, misunderstanding by me

On the “both” channel mode, it does go to 200%. I wasn’t sure at first either because I was testing it out on an entirely new config of light for me and trying to get my test setup worked out at the same time, also at the time completely uncalibrated, but when testing with a luxmeter, it’s definitely more (not 200% due to the physics of light, but ~160-180% actual output as read by my luxmeter, with two sets of LEDs with comparable output, probably depends on optics to some moderate degree.

Edit: Ahh, I see what you mean, 200% from the ramping mode. On my anduril fork, I have a feature where you can map a custom shortcut to go instantly to/from 200% turbo in any mode (so 2C is retained as 50%*2 balanced-brightness turbo). At the moment it’s still kind of complex and needs some knowledge of the internals of anduril to do a custom build, but if you wanted one, I can add it (I have it on 7C/H myself but I have other custom things on 5/6) to a custom build if you want (if you want it on a lower number, I can move existing stuff to higher ones to make room), just let me know which light for.

In terms of official support, I’ll have a think about if there’s any way to cleanly incorporate an option to switch between the two behaviours (a lot of bugfixes and suggestions come from me just thinking about people’s use cases while using my lights), but I know TK is overall against adding too many items to make menus too long, so it’s possibly something that might remain the domain of custom builds, but my project goal is to eventually automate the process of a custom build without a user needing to write any config files by hand.

It’s possible. It worked that way before. It’d basically just need another channel mode with a different ramp table or slightly different algorithm.

Then there would be “adjustable tint (max 100%)” and “adjustable tint (max 200%)” channel modes, and the user could enable whichever one they prefer.

The method it used before had a house-shaped color space:

  • Center: From tint 1 to 254, and brightness 1/150 to ~120/150, it had the “adjustable tint (max 100%)” color space embedded inside.
  • “Walls”: At tint 0 and tint 255 it had the “automatic blend” mode in opposite polarities.
  • “Attic”: From brightness ~121/150 to 150/150, it went above 100% in a way which slanted toward the halfway tint at the top, reaching 200% at maximum. This mostly worked, but looked really weird in auto-tint mode and was weird at edge tints too. It worked great with tints near the middle though.

If I add something like it again, I don’t think it’ll have the “auto” bits on the sides. That seems to work better as an entirely separate channel mode.

2 Thanks

Big +1 on separating the dim to warm/ dim to cold from the manual tint blend!

That would be great :grinning:

Unpopular opinion here; I like having the auto at the ends. Maybe a slight increase to the time required to activate it is in order, but I’d prefer to get into it just holding the button a second longer than have to 3C into it then 3C-3C-3C (and, depending on the light, maybe a fourth 3C) back to “fixed ratio” ramping. Then again, I might swap back and forth a bit more often than many people, and never hit Turbo on dual-channel lights unless I want 200% output so bad that I don’t care what CCT/shade of pink that results in.

Honestly, losing that house is what’s kept me from updating, or from buying an M44. I don’t think it worth adding a sixth mode though; five is enough.

If it helps, it’s possible to turn off every channel mode except “manual blend” and “auto blend”, and use 3C one time to switch between them. This eliminates the need to slowly, manually ramp back to the desired tint each time.

At least for me, I’d carefully set it at exactly the tint I wanted, holding it next to a reference light and adjusting until it was just right… and then I’d keep it there pretty much permanently. But now with auto-tint as a separate mode, I use it sometimes too and don’t have to worry about losing the saved tint value.

Of course, manual memory saves the tint too… has been that way for a while. So that helps. But a single 3C is easier than 3H and holding for several seconds, maybe starting off in the wrong direction first and having to release and start again.

Anyway, the intention is for people to turn off the channel modes they don’t want, to make the rest easier to reach.

1 Thank

I don’t like the way the old branch had autotint at the extremes of the ramp, but I do agree about cycling forward through all channel modes to get back to a single channel after ramping. I make my own build where 4C goes to the previous channel mode. If you want a build of that I can make one, just tell me what light(s) for and where you want previous channel (I can move any other shortcut to make room; personally I just entirely remove 4C on → lockout).

Even if I turned off both single-channel modes, I’d still be running three modes; the 50/50 for access to 200% (and to have a locked 50/50 when wanted), manual blend that’d forget my tint whenever I wanted to go single-channel unless I went 4/5-mode, and auto-blend. While Hybrid memory would allow me to do a few on/off cycles of single-channel while remembering a tint and reverting to it after a few minutes of inactivity, I don’t like the way Hybrid makes my aux lights slow-blink in Voltage Check mode. (I haven’t tried 727 or newer though.)

One thought is to keep 4 as-is (manual blend, no turbo) and 5 be “Legacy Mode” with the house, walls, turbo, and all. My thinking is that anyone who uses auto-tint would either have it perma-set at their polarity of choice and use it as a pure-auto-tint mode, 3C-ing their way back to manual as desired, or would be like me and bounce between auto and manual enough to have fewer button presses.

I don’t like that sometimes I hit the end of the ramp then hold the button too long and enter auto-tint before my brain registers that I hit the end of the ramp. A lengthened delay would solve that. And keeping Mode 4 as-is would prevent that entirely for those that use Mode 5 only for auto-tint.

I might DM you when I get a new flashing kit. It seems that one of my cats thinks data cables are the tastiest string toys ever made.

1 Thank

Oof. New cables aren’t too hard to find at least, search for “10 pin dupont cable” found me a few, just look for the double row connector blocks. Or just get a few spare kits of course.

Today I’ll be coming home to my new M44 and I don’t suppose a UI chart exists yet- is there a document that sums up the UI elements that are different from other dual channels such as the D4V2 or LT1?

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8 Thanks

Thank you SO much! Loving the light so far!

1 Thank

Damn, now one less reason to not buy a couple of M44’s.

2 Thanks

Nice. Are you containerfan from reddit/lemmy or just reposting it? Have a few suggestions.

@Hank_Wang this might be a useful addition to the M44 page for people used to the older anduril.

4 Thanks

I got this on reddit from KolonKby. I agree @Hank_Wang lets get this on the site!

Fortunately, @containerfan from reddit/lemmy is also on BLF and posted this about their Anduril 2 diagrams:

3 Thanks

how is Lemmy not called Feddit is beyond me
(just learning about the platform now…)

Maybe it is named after Lemmiwinks :thinking: :joy:

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