M44 with UV 365nm option

Happy to hear feedback on the diagram. I’ve been making a lot of updates to it over the last couple of weeks, so be sure to check out the latest version. It’s easiest for me if you comment on that post on Lemmy, but you’re welcome to PM here as well. Whatever works. The goal of the diagram is to represent unmodified Anduril 2, and keep it aligned with the text manual. I make the source MS Visio file available for anyone who wants to make a custom version for a specific light.

6 Thanks

@ToyKeeper re: keep it aligned with the text manual

Could you perhaps add a revision number at the top of https://toykeeper.net/torches/fsm/anduril2/anduril-manual.txt so it’s easy to see which version of the manual you are looking at right now?

2 Thanks

The diagram references the Anduril 2 revision that it is based on. Currently, it is at r734. Is that what you mean?

I’ve been meaning to thank you for that. It’s a lot of work trying to fit all these things into a picture! :heart:

I’m hoping to do some project reorganization soon, converting things to git, hosting on github, getting the code split out into its own repository, structuring the files better, improving documentation, etc… and at some point I’d like to do what I can to include or at least acknowledge contributions like the diagram.

… after getting the multi-channel branch finished and merged.

The revision number, like “r734”, doesn’t really mean much by itself. It only has meaning within the context of a particular branch. Like, it may be lp:~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/multi-channel r734 now, but after landing, it’ll probably be more like lp:~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2 r657.1.87, and after moving to git, it’ll just be a long hex number.

That’s part of why I use the build date instead of a source revision number.

To help with that, I’m planning to add a more human-friendly change log, so people won’t have to look through the raw commit logs.

7 Thanks

Ah, very cool. I’ll start using the build date instead going forward. Thanks for the suggestion. And I look forward to seeing everything converted over to GitHub. I’m really liking this multi-channel version. Very cool.

2 Thanks

Cyan K1 pretty please?

:point_right: :point_left:

2 Thanks

Just use tags for releases.

1 Thank

Outstanding, and thank you for that – even if I find it somewhat ironic that you’ve used closed-source MS-freedom-sucking Visio to document the opensource freedom-loving wonder that is TK’s Anduril. But I understand and respect your decision: as you said, “whatever works” (which incidentally is also the title of a great Woody Allen movie).

Anyway, even if I have to install MS Visio in my computer (OFC in a VM as it runs Linux and I wouldn’t like to corrupt its vital fluids :wink: with any MS crap), I would like to get ahold of that source file – how can that be arranged?

I want to try and modify it, adding a note regarding my 8C quick-aux-switch modification…


This is great news (specially the part about git/github), thank you for these efforts and OFC for all your work and the wonderful gift to all of us that is Anduril!

Please let us know when your repo is up so I can turn on watching on my account, can’t wait to see Launchpad in my rear mirror…

2 Thanks

The problem with the build date is that it gets automatically changed everytime anyone runs a ./build-all.sh, so it’s not really a good indication of what version of Anduril is actually running in any specific light.

For that, I would like to second @Wolfgirl42’s great suggestion of using tags for releases, plus embedding the current tag into version.h/VERSION_NUMBER so it gets blinked out when the user hits 15C (perhaps in between the model number and the build date).

2 Thanks

Yup. Definitely better than converting the commithash to base 10 anyway :rofl:

Also allows more than one distinct tag and release on the same day, e.g. if you made the scheme start with creating 2023072101, then 02, 03 if the prior already exists.

2 Thanks

LOL if we use the full 128-bit commit hash with 10-15 blinks for each hexadecimal digit, it’s going to also serve as a runtime test at least for 14500 lights, like how far it went before running out of battery… or else of the users patience / attention span :slight_smile: :rofl: :smiley:

I’m specially partial to this YYYYMMDDNN tagging scheme as I actually use it for everything and IMHO would fit like a glove for labeling Anduril releases.

3 Thanks

Outstanding, and thank you for that – even if I find it somewhat ironic that you’ve used closed-source MS-freedom-sucking Visio to document the opensource freedom-loving wonder that is TK’s Anduril. But I understand and respect your decision: as you said, “whatever works” (which incidentally is also the title of a great Woody Allen movie).

Yeah, I’ll have to spend some real time trying to convert it over to something everyone can use. I just used Visio because that’s what I had on hand way, way back when I created my first Anduril 1 dialgram. What’s the best alternative to Visio these days?

Anyway, even if I have to install MS Visio in my computer (OFC in a VM as it runs Linux and I wouldn’t like to corrupt its vital fluids :wink: with any MS crap), I would like to get ahold of that source file – how can that be arranged?

I have the source Visio file linked in my post on Lemmy, but here you go.

1 Thank

Hank sent me a complete new head (including reflector, ZWB2 and SS bezel) for the burned out Emisar D1 UV. This one works fine on turbo for several minutes without any issues.
Excellent service - Hank rocks. :sunglasses: :metal:

Just went outside and did a little UV test shot on a plant:

3 Thanks

IANAGP (I Am Not A Graphics Person :slight_smile:) but I remember reading there were a few opensource options. Will have a look and get back to you on this.

Thank you!

Thanks for the update! Agreed, everything I hear about him is that he takes good care of his customers.

I’m still too buy my first hanklight, tho… would really really prefer if they were available with the at1616 instead of the at1634… :-/

And beautiful pic BTW! :+1::+1::+1:

3 Thanks

Interest collect, K9.3 new configuration option, UV channel, and the same option for the DM1.12 in the future

9 Thanks

Yep I’m in for one. One of each even.

1 Thank

So it’s 3 groups of 3 LEDs each, and one of these groups can be UV LEDs? Now that’s really interesting, specially if it can have a ZWB2 filter in front, and the other two groups can have white and red LEDs respectively.

Assuming the above is true, how does these groups map into Anduril? A separate channel for each?

Please tell us more!

Hi, K9.3 is a dual channel light, the channel 1 is with 9 LEDs ( 3*triple optics), you can choose any 3535 white LEDs for it, channel 2 can be with 3 pcs UV LEDs with ZWB2 filters.

5 Thanks