M44 with UV 365nm option

Thanks, will put you in the interest list.

3 Thanks

Boooā€¦ :wink: But seriously, thanks for the prompt and complete clarification, I stand corrected.

1 Thank

Is the UV channel with reflector (like D2) or mule?

Would similar UV D18 be possible?

3 Thanks

I can see where this is a good option, it is just not for me.

1 Thank

If it has the original K9.3 driver, it would be a few mode groupsā€¦

  1. White LEDs only (linear + DD FET)
  2. UV LEDs only (linear)
  3. Both, tied together + turbo (full linear power + DD FET turbo on top)
  4. Both, adjustable blend + turbo (linear + linear, with DD FET turbo)
  5. Both, automatic blend (?)

Maybe others, depending on what people want and how things work out. The two linear channels run from the same waveform generator, so there are some dependencies and complications between them when theyā€™re both lit up at the same time. Thatā€™s not a huge issue though, since the two beams have different profiles, so the blend modes are pretty limited in usefulness.

Iā€™d personally use only channel modes 1 and 2 on this white + UV model. The others are there for supporting different hardware configurations, like warm+cool white or flood+throw.

Iā€™ve been slow about updating the K9.3 code because the internal details are complicated and I wanted to get simpler models working first, but it looks like itā€™s about time to finally do it. Instead of 6 different builds for itā€¦

0261    noctigon-k9.3
0262    noctigon-k9.3-nofet
0263    noctigon-k9.3-219
0265    noctigon-k9.3-tintramp-nofet
0266    noctigon-k9.3-tintramp-fet
0267    noctigon-k9.3-tintramp-219

ā€¦ those last 3 are getting removed and merged into the first 3.

3 Thanks

Iā€™m really hoping for updates for
0125 emisar-d1v2-nofet (D1 with W1 and 365nm UV)
0253 noctigon-k1-12v (D1K XHP70.3 boost, my favourite Hanklight right now)

Any idea when you might find the time to get to those? :pray:

Very interested :heart:

Does this mean the DM1.12 isnā€™t being discontinued after all?

Also, how about an LEP in the DM1.12 throw channel?

1 Thank

I hope itā€™s a reflector, else I assume the UV emitters would eat up the TIRs for the white emitters

I converted the K1 builds (including 0253) a couple days ago. I only have the linear version though, and part of a SBT90 version, so Iā€™m hoping the boost version works.

Havenā€™t started on D1v2 yet; I donā€™t have one and I donā€™t remember offhand if I have any compatible hardware. Iā€™ve been really tempted to get one thoughā€¦ dark grey w/ 18350 tube, W1 LED, and RGB button. It seems pretty close to optimal for a compact thrower.

1 Thank

Thanks for the quick update.

D1V2 W1 RGB is really nice, can recommend. :wink:
Really love the larger D1K with XHP70.3 HI in 70 CRI (but nicely rosy). Amazing amount of sustained output. You can basically run it top of the ramp (level 120, should be around 2000 lumens) indefinitely if itā€™s under 20Ā°C outside.

Definitely interested and I already have 3 UV lights from you!

Hi Hank, thanks for this Option, i am interested in K9.3 with 3 Uv-Led !

Itā€™s indeed with reflectors, just like D2 UV channel.

3 Thanks

No for me. More than 1 UV emitter is way too much UV for me. Hurts my eyes. Too much UV and I canā€™t handle bright lights for a week.

But UV seems to be popular with a lot of people so I say yes, do it, because I think it would sell. Just not to me.

1 Thank

Thanks, well noted.

Only use UV when wearing protective glasses, and never look at it directlyā€¦ perfectly, use also a ZWB2 filter to reduce the not needed wavelength, that are also harmful.

For me, I have a rule set for myself, to not buy any UV, far red/IR, or laser beam lights, just for safety those around me (I trust myself, I donā€™t trust them to not hurt themselves)

3 Thanks

The glasses I wear normally to see have 100% UVA/UVB blocking already. Or they claim to. I doubt that itā€™s really 100%, but itā€™s something. I imagine it helps, but Iā€™ve never tried a UV light without UV glasses on (cuz in wouldnā€™t be able to see anything without them), so idk.

Always have the zwb2 filter. Never look at it obviously lol.

I think itā€™s the near UV that gets me, because deep blue lights are just as bad.

Far red and IR lights donā€™t bother me at all though. Not unless itā€™s an insane amount for a long time from molten glass or metal. IR light is just heat right. Anything hot is putting out IR

Ambiant heat and body heat (8-14Ī¼m) (thermal infrared) is farther in the IR band than near IR (NIR, 0.8-1.4Ī¼m) thatā€™s just below the visible spectrum and which I think is whatā€™s used for night vision equipment and IR flashlights.

I was thinking hotter than body temp. Like a space heater or toaster. Theyā€™re emitting visible light, that glowing red, so theyve gotta be emitting the wavelength that IR flashlights do even before then right?

Indeed, probably yes. The hotter the object, the more light it emits at shorter wavelengths. (edited the rest of this post as I hadnā€™t answered your question)