M44 with UV 365nm option

Thanks for your response. Yep, I understand a multi-LED driver wouldn’t work as-is on a single-LED light, but I was hoping there could be a special version of it for those lights (and specially for an SBT90.2-equipped D1K, which I’ve been planning on buying since forever).

From what I recall it supports only 6V, 9V and 12V, so You would need 2-4 SBTS in series at least :smiley:

1 Thank

Hummmrmmrm salivating :grin:

It probably will, its even offered on the da1k, but i think its a driver size issue

if i remember correctly, i think so. Could be wrong tho, so correct me if i am

1 Thank

I asked Hank few days back if he plans on making a 22mm LumeX1 for D4V2, and his response was “We do have the plan, however, it may take long time to complete it.”

So, it seems there will be a 22mm version of the LumeX1, eventually.

5 Thanks

Great news! I am looking forward to having the LumeX1 in DW4, D1 and D4V2 - all with the 18350 short tubes.

No preflash, better moonlight and a stronger turbo bursts.

1 Thank

You mean these lights, with their current (at1634?) drivers, do suffer from preflash?!

Please clarify.

I have mentioned the preflash because my D3AA boost driver (thefreeman’s dual fuel) unfortunately has it.
I don’t have any other boost driven Hanklight.

1 Thank

Yours and mine both, brother – yours and mine both. And @jon_slider’s too.

And IMHO it sucks big time :expressionless:

My boost-driven DW4 does preflash but i do believe i have jumpstart enabled and very low ramp bottom level set that iirc required me to enable it.

1 Thank

I’m very interested in seeing beamshots of the DA1K with the 3000k SFT-70 and the 10392 optic. That seems like a good combination.

1 Thank

What are you guys referring to as preflash? The flash when you put in a battery and screw in the head/tail? Or jumpstart when you turn on the light on a low mode? Or something else?

No, unfortunately it happens every time the light is turned on.

More details here, including a short video: [NLD] TiCu D3AA w sw45k - #7 by dmenezes

Or jumpstart when you turn on the light on a low mode? Or something else?

Something else: it’s similar to the jumpstart at turn-on that Anduril explicitly does when compiled for some lights, but when compiled for the D3AA it does not have that enabled. Despite that, the driver does it on its own.

Conclusion after a discussion in a GitHub issue was that it was a hardware limitation of the D3AA: Flash in lockout mode with '1h' or '2h' and a low light setting · Issue #83 · ToyKeeper/anduril · GitHub

1 Thank

Ah i see. Bummer that thats a think that happens :\

I wonder what’s causeing it. Tho if we did know, im sire that hank would fix it

1 Thank

That would be great. But it would take replacing the driver, so for most users without the ability to disassemble/desolder/solder/reassemble a driver into a head, it would mean a full head replacement would be needed.

I myself would pay a reasonable amount for a new head, to get my D3AA rid of this issue.

Oh i meant if he knew the issue, it wouldnt be like that on future sales of the light

1 Thank

My understanding is that Hank already knows about the preflash issue, but considers it minor (or perhaps not even a problem), and therefore is not prioritizing it.
@Hank_Wang, please correct me if I’m wrong.

it wouldnt be like that on future sales of the light

That would be great, as it would allow me (and others) to order a new head (or just the driver board for those of us with the ability and tools to replace it) and get the problem fixed.

But AFAIK it has not happened, at least not yet.