MaxToch has Copper MCPCBs w/DTP

Amanda asked me to pass this along. MaxToch now has DTP (Direct Thermal Path) copper boards. They are using these in some of their new lights, and are now offering them for sale individually…$4.90-$5.40. Here are the sizes/configurations they currently offer:

Very nice!

oooh… Just what I need! 26mm for MT-G2… perfect for my T-08 MT-G2 light :smiley:
any idea on the price for these board?

Added price range in OP…or…just click the pic :slight_smile:

Thanks Krono…and MAXToch!

Yes! It's about time someone created bigger direct thermal mcpcb's that put the pads for the leads far away from the emitter. That should help a lot with some throwers that have wide reflector bases.

What about getting djozz some of these to test? I hope he's up for it.

Do they take paypal???

Nope :frowning:
Edit:- whoops wrong, see post 11.

Cheers David

I believe they will…they did on the Group Buys I organized. They can probably send you a paypal invoice. I’ll see if Amanda can confirm/comment.

Hi Krono,

thanks for the heads up to this one.

Could you please confirm if (and how) Paypal payment can be done with Maxtoch for these boards? Perhaps Amanda could comment here.

I’d jump at once on the 31mm XM-L board - and certainly some more. Remember your first group buy with Maxtoch, the first iteration of the “2X”? Was my nr.1 outdoor light last winter. I only trusted the stock LED and driver up to 4A. This copper MCPCB is exactly what this light needs.


We take paypal. Actually, our previous group buy all went through Paypal.

We also accept PayPal. Maybe you can contact me by PM or email for further details?

Thank you Krono. Now I know I’ve posted this thread in wrong section. Thus my previous posts were deleted… Thanks for your help Krono. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the post Krono!

nice big mcpbs

These are GREAT news.
Thanks Krono!

Darn, now only if you made triple XM-L in the size of the SRK…I would be on that like a fat kid on a twinky!


Is emitter spacing consistent within each SRK clone and other SRK clones?

I believe so, but someone that builds ALOT of SRK’s can chime in at any time :smiley:

I did a google looking for a SRK Star measurements…nothing

Need someone to whip up a drawing w/ dimenstions