Does anyone know where Chicago X is? To me Wayne is a staple of this forum. He invested in an awesome lathe (here), and started turning out some nice stuff (here). I emailed him a while back after he was no longer coming on here, but I never got a response. Is he OK?
We don't seem to know. He does not answer any emails. The only time I ever got any information, was just after he seemed to disappear and I heard that he had some severe back issues, like surgery style, but I never ever got another reply from him.
There's lots of members that are MIA. Match, PilotPTK, dorpmuller and a bunch of others. I miss 'em all. They contributed a lot to the forums.
Many times, life changing events tend to make people leave and also many times, it's just plain lack of interest. After all how long will any of us last here? After a while it gets old and the posts are just repeats of repeats, of repeats. It's just life on the internet I guess, but it sure would be nice to know if these members were alive and well and how they are doing.
I couldn't have said it better O-L. I completely understand giving up on the hobby, as I tend to do every other month. But I just want to make sure that everyone is alive and well! (especially Wayne after having met him in person).
Oh where, oh where
Has our Scaru gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his hair cut short
And his diaper cut long
Oh where, oh where can he be?
I think he went down
To the building site
To see what he could see
And in his mouth
Was a light so bright
I wonder what could it be?
There are too many interesting things to do in this life and doing them
well requires a certain level of commitment. When doing one thing (golf) other things (flashlight modding) get left out in the cold. Getting burnt out is also a risk but as long as there’s a need for good lights I’ll probably come back sooner or later.
Scaru, foy, haterade, Erik are a few more. I sent scaru a pm not long ago. He is doing good, just busy he said. I think foys interest has faded. We need Solarforce to come out with a new, irresistible p60 host and some new tailcaps and the old style bezels... that should bring foy out to play. Eric has been dealing with health issues and posts here and there once in a blue moon
Ok, I confess. I've been slowly losing interest in this hobby myself. For me it boils down to time. I just don't have the spare time right now to enjoy it and I've got many other things on my "to do" list that are higher priorities. I've backed off following as many threads as I used to as well. I won't give up on this hobby altogether though.
Where has Ohaya been? Wait, a search shows he's been active lately here, but it seems he's cut back on his activity on BLF. It's not just him though, seems many others have cut back on posting.