[MOD] A safer alternative to UV insect killer

I bought an insect zapper machine about two years ago. It was rare occasion when I couldn't stand mosquito bites. Seems periodic flooding of the nearest swamp boost the population out of control. The insect killer worked too aggressive, it killed almost all night insects, not just mosquitoes, sometimes small gekkos too. Then I stopped using it because of several reasons:

  • The 40watt UV tube light really hurt my eyes to a point I got a mild headache every time I worked near it. I consider it's also dangerous being exposed continuously for hours to any UV light.
  • It's insanely too "UV" bright for night time use. The entire work shop was in purple theme, just like those 80's dance floor.
  • The UV tube is somewhat fragile, I cracked two. And they're connected in series, I can't use just one (20 watt).
  • The tube contains mercury which is poisonous and disposal of it's sharp fragments also not that easy
  • Attracts not just mosquitoes but any insect with wings. Sometimes its overloaded by alates (flying male termites).

So, I plan to use less hurting mosquito attractant lights according to this paper (and also some other): http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2002&context=usdaarsfacpub

Being a frugal and a budget community member, I decided to use my blue converted Nichia from my earlier post: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/44402 .

The ideal spectrum is 502nm (green) but I can't find the exact LED, yet I don't want to use my one and only green XPE. This BC 219C Nichia peak is in 438-439nm which is safer than UV and closer to 502nm. I don't know if this BC LED could catch mosquitoes better than UV, it's a scrap LED, it doesn't hurt my eyes as much as the UV, I can change it easily later with any LED.

Threw everything connected the bulbs

Replaced the lighting power supply with a waterproof MIC 300mA AC/DC LED driver. I just used 2mm thick, 25mm x 100mm aluminum plate as the heat sink, its only 5C warmer than the ambient temp.

Not much mosquitoes to kill tonight, we'll see if the blues catch better later. Although it's not hurting my eyes as much, the weird mood created is not much difference from the dizzy MC Hammer UV. It's feels more Vanilla Ice to me.


My personal experience when the machine overloaded with alates, it burned the alates and created an alarming fire sparks all night long.

- Clemence


UPDATE 190903:
I forgot I promised to update the result: very low catch for both mosquitoes and flies. UV wavelenght still more attractive to them. I killed more night moths than those bloodsuckers, and almost never caught any flies unless they flew drunk.


It’s nice that you are trying to avoid harming other creatures. :+1:

When working outdoors during mosquito season, I use a fan when possible.

Mosquitos struggle to fly in the breeze, but some will still get to you on the side opposite the fan. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have not tried this ‘fan trap’ method, but perhaps it will be helpful to you:

BTW, if you aren’t already familiar with NightHawkInLight on YouTube, check out his other videos too.

He got the ‘fan trap’ idea from another YouTuber named Dan Rojas. He leaves the trapped mosquitos out for other creatures to eat! :+1:

Not a big problem to me, most 9f the time. I have immunity to itchy mosquito bites. Any itchiness will last only for a minute or two. But sometimes during the start of dry season, they swarms and thousands of them hunt for blood. Citronella oil is the most effective repellent for me. Its just the buzzing that annoys.


Our bat houses and steel roof overhangs provide midnight raiders of massive appetites and aerial expertise. The display of their nocturnal exit and early morning return are visible from our roofline skylights. My wife offered castration to our exterminator guy (necessary for spider activity) iffn he sprayed any of their domiciles. In my ~20 years here on the coast in moderate climate, I have yet to experience the expected bites I endured duck hunting in the California Kern valley, where you had to breathe thru clinched teeth to strain them out.

What about some 10w green cob? I’m pretty sure you can find this on Aliexpress for less than $3 a piece.

I thought that it has been proven that mosquitoes are not attracted to light anyway and that they hunt based on CO2. That’s why the fan traps work best with either the dog or seltzer water nearby.