Mod suggestion

In this post I’ve mounted xml2 to copper ( the plate is 55mm diameter and 15 mm tall) to see if it can be done, now that it is weekend I think of mounting it is some light or searchlight that I can pick up locally, like the defiant spotlight or something. Any suggestions?

Went to home depot and picked up the defiant spot light but was not impressed by the beam, the spill was little bigger than my 3D mag led converted to xml2 and hot spot size was about the same at 10 yards. Adding the bulk of defiant I prefer the modded mag. So if anyone has and idea for the copper mounted xml2 and use for it I will give it away for free as long as you post the mod and share it with us.
To win enter ‘I want it’ and I will pick a winner by the end of the day and ship it tomorrow.

What is the diameter of the heatsink?

Didn’t the op say 55mm?

Yes it is 55 mm across, thickness of copper plate is 2.8mm and the fins with plate is 15mm.

I would like to see this tested with a lumen tester

I'm dumb... Speaking of which does anyone know of a 120v AC driver that can supply a minimum of 3 amps.

funny you should ask this

Ok... Would you like to tell me an answer? :P

not the answer you want