This is a WIP mod. I still have some changes to make. So far, it looks very promising!
The UltraFire T90 is a modified clone of the TrustFire X6. The T90 has a larger body tube and accepts 26650 cells, but I think the head and reflector are the same (I do not have an X6 to compare).
My first mod of this light was to swap in an MT-G2. This was a mixed bag. The throw dropped and lumens went up. It turned into a bit of a flooder with some throw. Not overly impressive (a nice tint though). I haven't used it much. Then I read a comment from 18sixfifty about a dedomed XM-L2 in this light, and I had to try it.
Since the emitter is going on copper, the driver can be left at the stock 7A drive. This could be reduced to 6A with only a minor reduction in output in favor of increased run time.
This should be a relatively simple mod, basically an emitter swap. The challenge is presented here:
The head has an integrated pill that is inside the reflector cavity. Also, there is Fujik under the emitter and screws holding it down. The screws have the heads ground down for reflector clearance. Mine still had enough head left to turn out. I used needle-nose pliers to twist the star off the heatsink. Sometimes it helps to preheat the head (I ran the light for five minutes or so). Do not press down to hard when twisting so that you do not scratch the heatsink surface.
Once the emitter is out, clean up the heatsink surface and lap it flat. There are some machining circle marks which I didn't want to leave there. I suppose lapping the pill is optional.
Swap in the new emitter. There are lots of posts on here about doing that.
The real trouble comes with centering the emitter. The emitter is much smaller than the reflector hole. here it is with the dedomed emitter in place. I have not perfectly centered it yet. I need to make a centering ring for this reflector/emitter combo.
First attempt: XM-L2 T6 1C (dome intact)
I first tried an XM-L2 T6 1C with the dome intact. The results were impressive.
Total output: 1580 lumens after 30 seconds
Intensity/Throw: ~183kcd/~850m
Not bad for a quick emitter swap. I could just top here and have a very nice thrower with some useable spill. But...
Second Attempt: XM-L2 U2 1C dedomed
I have to find out what this reflector can do. Throw basically doubles!
Total output: ~1550 lumens at 30 seconds
Intensity/Throw: ~367kcd/~1200m
Now we're talkin !!!! The hotspot is a bit messy due to the bad focus and off-center emitter.
I still need to fix the reflector focus and get the emitter centered. I will try and grind the reflector a bit. I think the ultimate fix will be a small pillar to mount the emitter on (a la comfychair's method). This should allow perfect focus.
My goal: 400-450kcd
More to come! searchID8935