Most Powerful Flashlights in the World (by throw distance)

How i measure a lights distance using a HS1010A lux meter:

Hey thanks! I was googling and came across an article saying: “ A 10 mW blue laser pointer cost $700 compared to the price of the equivalent 15 mW green laser pointer that cost $100.”

Article Source: Why Blue Laser Pointers Are Much More Expensive Than Green Laser Pointers

My 6 watt blue was only a few hundred $ a couple of years ago. Can’t imagine what we’ll have in another 10 to 15 years

The WW2 Carbon-Arc Searchlights and the AN-TVS3 Military/NASA Searchlights had about this much throw. They put every other searchlight to shame.

Nice! I wonder if I could bet one of those that runs off a 21700? Haha

are trying to get No 1.

We bought this Fresnel

and we will see if it rocks

Regards Xandre

PS This Fresnel is the only one (big sice)
which so a short focal length -

I made a graph of lumens vs throw of some of the brightest / furthest throwing production flashlights that may be of interest.

Enderman, Microfire have a couple of flashlights you may want to add:

Note: the chart has a couple of mistakes that I’ll fix later (X axis and Manker).

Thank you for your lumens vs throw graph. Bookmarked! My favorites are, in chronological order: X45, X65, K75, R90TS, MS18, MF05/MT90Plus, HK90 and BLF GT94. Soon, X50.

Every fan of large power flooders and dedicated throwers should see your chart!

DAVE1010, Thanks for your highly informative postings at your reviews web page.

After going through your summary of 90.2 flashlights, I finally decided on buying one Convoy 4X18A 90.2.

I am convinced that the 90.2 emitter needs more than one battery cell to properly power it up to its full potential. And the price of this particular 90.2 Convoy is affordable for me.

BTW: Has anyone done reviews of flashlights selling for over US$1,000 each? I just found on Sure Fire’s website, the UDR Dominator is priced at US$1,370 — even though it promises only 2,400 lumens over a distance of 900 metres.

 if mine ends up being the size of a 55-gallon drum, but I throw a car battery and power inverter in the bottom, plug the CC power supply into that, and add a handle
 then it’s flashlight? Cool. I’m gonna have the world’s heaviest “flashlight”.

No, I think that would be a bit much to be a flashlight. BLF GT94 is a much better combination of size, runtime, power and throw. And of course, there are smaller dedicated thrower flashlights, too, for smaller light needs.

That sounds more like a searchlight than a flashlight.

The results are not so welcome
now we are trying LEP

Regards Xandre

The new benchmark

Team Ansmaxabeam have now a lot to do to reach this numbers 

Regards Xandre

Portable you say ? :wink:

Fantastic mod, i like it!
We need more of this on BLF

Very cool :slight_smile: I will definitely have to add that.
It will make everything else almost invisible on the graph! :open_mouth:

We ve got a new result
with SBT 90 and Wavien
600 mm Fresnel 700 Focal Lenght
58 Mio Lux

Some more beamshots
and a 300 watt COB “Thrower” added

Regards Xandre

Holy cow!

I really love those pictures and the result of 58 MCd, wow! just wow!

Wow, those photos are crazy


We are going to try it with Osram P-VIP 420/1.0

Regards Xandre

COB Thrower

Regards Xandre