In light of a recent thread, it brings to mind the need for a gump button (ignore button). Other forums I’m on have such a thing, and it’s great…gump ‘em and you won’t hear from them again. I’m sure most of us idiot forum members would love that capability…I’ll guess 99%…am I wrong?
In light of a recent thread, it brings to mind the need for a gump button (ignore button). Other forums I’m on have such a thing, and it’s great…gump ‘em and you won’t hear from them again. I’m sure most of us idiot forum members would love that capability…I’ll guess 99%…am I wrong?
I just read through all the drama that has seemingly been invented by one member. I have to say that it sounds like the “idiot members” must be the cool kids here! I never got to be a cool kid in school…could this be my new chance to join?
I think the saying/song “one of these things it not like the other ones” is right on target in this instance! If everyone else in the room is an “Idiot member” then mabey you need to find a new place to spend your time…find some smart people to talk to. I’ll just stay here with the rest of the idiots and “play with my flashlights and other similarly shaped objects”
sorry to vent, I forgot how much people like that piss me off when they try to ruin what is a great place with great
Mabey the solution to this would be to split the forum. Have one forum for the idiot members that want to just enjoy life and the hobby of flahlights, then another forum with a bunch of I’m smarter than you types that are oversensative and looking for problems.Then have that forum be heavily and unfairly moderated too keep the serfs in line. Oh wait, I think that other forum may already exist!? I’d better stop now…it appears I may becoming an online dick, if I read the flowchart correctly?
While I agree that ignoring some problems is a wise decision, I personally would not favor an approach that makes ostracizing anyone so easily done. I read threads and decide for myself whether to continue reading, respond, or blow it off. There will always be some who don’t get it and piss me off but even they may eventually learn. So Please, keep this forum loose and UNofficial. Just my .02.
Ignore buttons are mostly met in ‘political’ forums where spirits can easily ignite…
In friendly forums with ‘easy’ subjects, like this one, an ignore button would look rather strange.
Once a while we may come across an “attention seeking” or overly sensitive fellow but this will always be a rare exception rather than the rule.
I am sure that if we all followed the exceptional and full of sympathy attitude shown by the other member -in his ‘apology’, the issue would have been long over.
Having been in editorial in newspapers and mags for years in a former life, we would get kooks calling and writing like you wouldn’t believe. REAL nutjobs. I learned from senior editors way back in the day: Just TOTALLY ignore them. If you just ignore them, they just fizzle out and go away.
I know I know. Everyone wants to dispute and argue and try to make the interloper see the light, but it ain’t ever gonna happen. A troll will always be a troll. It’s incredibly hard to ignore them, but it works like a charm. Don’t answer. Eventually they get sick of yelling at themselves and they just disappear.
But just one or two people feeding the fire, and they stay forever. :–0
I just attended a party on Sunday that a long time friend was intentionally uninvited.
The reason is because he likes to argue about anything and won’t stop until he gets the last word.
This has been building for some time.
At previous get together’s you could feel the mood in the room change the moment he steps through the door.
The funny thing about it is he used to be a easy going, laid back, always joking guy.
When I started reading this thread, I immediately thought of him.
People like him will slowly find themselves isolated and ignored.
Which is the opposite of the status effect that I think they are trying to achieve.
I think an ignore button would be totally inappropriate, what attracted me to sign up to blf was the friendly easy going nature of the site, I immediately felt at home and able to share whatever, be it my growing interest in flashlights, or other things totally unrelated, I kind of feel that I’m perfectly capable of just ignoring someone if I don’t agree, but totally ostracizing someone just seems wrong. And not in the spirit of what attracted me to blf in the first place.
We’ll need two buttons, one for us and one so Kreisler can ignore himself hahaha
Just in case there is some confusion, the ignore buttons I’ve used are personal, they allow you to personally ignore someone you don’t care for. It doesn’t ban them, delete them or in any way affect their membership…it only hides them from you.
I see both sides for the ignore button and have no strong opinion for one or the other. I’d only want the ability to block or ignore certain members in PMs and I think we have that.
Attention whores are just that. Don’t pay them and they go away.
This is forum about sharing information and ideas. If one were to be excluded from another’s comments then they would be left on the dark about some things, and problems may arise from there.
Person 1: I’m going to block person 2 because I don’t like him/her.
Person 2: fine.
Person 1: starts a big thread discussing something important
Person 2: doesn’t know a thing, but then a few days later sees threads arising which link to the original thread. After not being able to see the original thread at all Person 2 feels ostracised and uncomfortable.