Mr Admin, can we get a gump button?

Ignore button in the tip of the finger. Don’t click. Works for me. But then I don’t have anyone I want to ignore & if I did I would not click-um. Very simple, without admin having to whip up another feature. We can ‘DO IT!’


I don’t think we need it (yet). There is unfortunately a couple of negative tendencies on forums (not just flashlight forums) and any other venue where the members can stay anonymous.

The first is the “troll”, someone who intentionally write posts that are inflammatory and confrontational in nature. Whether they are doing this for fun or just one of those who “want to watch the world burn” I don’t know.
The second is the hypersensitive reactor, they read something and have to post a rebuttal immediately (often “feeding the trolls”) and adding fuel to the fire.

We have to conscientiously put an effort forward not to fall into either group. I will admit that it is hard sometimes not to get pulled into these pissing matches, but the only people that benefit are the trolls who started it.

I haven’t been to CPF in ages, and as the only thing I was going there for was for Ma_Shas crazy projects and he is now here, I don’t plan on returning.
I hope this place stays chill, positive and supportive.

As has been posted before, fighting on the Internet is like the special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.

I don’t think we need an “ignore” button however I think the spam button “rules” should be rewritten so that it could be used when any poster becomes just as disruptive and a spammer.

It’s really just a button to bring something to the admin’s attention. I’m sure this poster qualifies in that regard.

It’s not really about censoring someone you don’t like. It’s about flagging a “nut”. I think Gorann fit that category but even with him I wouldn’t have banned him. I’d consider it with this poster however just because there seems to be no self-control (as opposed to the little self-control that Gorann had).

Hooray for common sense. It boils down to personal responsibility, restraint, and courtesy.

How about a positive button, instead of a negative button?

On Bring a Trailer they have a thumbs-up button with a counter. Just like real life; if you like it you click the thumbs up but if you don't you say nothing. There is no thumbs-down button. Somebody says something clever or you like it for any reason, you click it. I think once the counter hits 5 your post changes colors so, when perusing a thread, the shaded post are often the wittiest and/or most relevant.


Foy wants to taste the rainbow…

Hmmmm. (reflecting, wondering if that is true)


I’m just not in favor of messing with greatness without a unresolved need.

gump button? how about a gimp button??

Bring out the gimp? The gimp has arrived!