When the light is off, just short press to go to low, or long press to go to high (or turbo if you have RMM program it in). That's the basics of the UI, short press goes forward, long press goes back.
Is that UI the short press and long press for low and turbo? If so that is way cool.
That's right.
VP2 Charger Recall: Xtar has notified us stating that the type of plastic used in the VP2 becomes brittle when cold, causing it to potentially break. They are in the process of sending replacements. If you recently ordered a VP2, you will be contacted with more information on how to return your charger for a replacement.
This is a huge bummer for us. We will be contacting everyone throughout tomorrow night with instructions. I guess that they dropped the ball on this one.
They offer a car charging cable but forgot many people use their cars outdoors in winter.
Glass transition temperature:
At least they are properly owning up to the mistake and fixing it. Stuff happens, all you can reasonably do is expect a company to stand behind their product and make good on fixing issues that arise.
Really liking this UI. One little question, how do you turn it off?
You cycle back to mode "0", by either moving backwards past mode 1 or forwards past your highest mode.
Regarding the VP2: those of you who purchased one will be contacted today. After we get ahold of you, we will send you a prepaid label for a USPS priority mail flat rate envelope.
I wonder if the VP1 is in the same boat?
It is great to see such excellent customer service by both XTAR and your company http://mtnelectronics.com/opencart/!
Nope, the VP1 is different as far as I know. The VP2 was just barely produced and those on the market today are from the first batch. Luckily, the electronics are fine as far as we know. The only reported problem is with brittle plastic when cold.
Thank you sir.
Hey Bort, the S6 is in the middle with the S2 on the right. The modified S6 is on the left.
More Convoy M1 hosts and a few other goodies back in stock. Also, got a few new colored emitters: green XP-E and blue XR-E.
Last week I built a P60 dropin for my father running one of the red XP-E LEDs at 1.14A w/ a qlite driver. Wow! I've never seen a red light even close to that bright before (most of my headlamps have two or so little red LEDs). Very cool.
Hi Richard,
So would this make a good bike tail light in a Becon or Strobe mode???
He has 2 of the C8’s for a headlight but I would like for him to have a good tail light for the street.
He’s in Portland so it’s all about bikes……….
I think it might be too bright! Maybe run it with a single 7135 and it might be reasonable! (.38A). Well... reading your post again he has TWO C8s for headlights??? Maybe super bright is his thing! I think that it would definitely get you noticed, even at .38A. I'm not sure at what point too much light from a bike becomes a safety issue, as it isn't generally quite as directionally confined as car lamps.
I really wouldn’t run one of those very wide beams flashing, especially one of RMM’s bright souped up lights. I’ve seen a biker with a very bright strobe, its distracting and almost blinding even 4 lanes over on the other side of the street, plus, I’m not sure how strong the correlation is, but I’ve heard it said many times drunk and tired drivers tend to fixate on and be attracted to strobes…not the best idea on many levels.
The C8’s are for cyclcross when they run in the woods at the end of the day and he only uses one at a time.
Not going to be used flashing and if he did use them on the street they would be on low.
He knows how crazy things can happen but is clever enough to stay ahead of most of them.
That is unfortunate about the VP2 recall but at least the fault was found now instead of much later.
Any issues with the SP1?
No issues with the SP1 that we know about.
The Protected Pana. 3400s are back in stock. Those of you who pre-ordered will see your orders ship out tomorrow morning.