Must have torches for 2022!

What would you experts say is some must-have torches today, in 2022. The world of flashlights is evolving and progressing faster than it ever has with LED technology, software/UI, etc. What lights can yall not live without in 2022?


Convoy S2+ or M21B

Convoy has to be on here! Love the s2+ and c8, haven't tried the M21B yet. Ordering an Emisar d4v2 next. I love Anduril 2, hard for me to pull the trigger on any other UI lately. Lol.

Convoy L8, one of the best flashlights I've bought in the last 2 years, mostly because of every aspect of it. Not one detail overlooked, not one thing could be done better IMO. Well except their ramping, but i use it in "4 stepped mode" which i find better than most any other UI i have.

Give it a few more months to see what else is introduced by different manufacturers…considering CNY, 2022 has only just begun! :slight_smile:

Lots of interest and some new lights coming out with new Chinese and Nichia emitters, and maybe wider adoption of 26800 cells (and hopefully a new suitable charger for those from Xtar if they follow through with that).

Several of these, at least. Or, maybe all of them.

I think any of those with USB-C charging would be a good grandma light. In fact, my mom’s getting one as soon as I can get one to her.

The S2+ in all flavours has been a must have for many years!

The Acebeam E70 is my favourite light from 2021. Lots of new lights this year with GT-FC40 in more lights, 519A, and more flood/throw or LEP combination lights expected.

2022 is still young, so who’s to say?

However, the Convoy S2+ and Emisar D4V1/D4V2 are two lights that I feel most people should try out and have in their collections, since both are relatively inexpensive and both can be had configured in a variety of ways.


Everybody should try an emisar offering the 219B to experience the beautiful tint and a light with osram W2 or Luminus sft-40 for throw.

Do you mean those…or these? 【convoy】SFT40 5000K back in stock (sufficient) - #6646 by Simon_Mao

My favorite flashlight is my EDC, the Acebeam E70-AL.

Eh, same difference. I hadn’t seen the update to the BLF post, and just yesterday was bemoaning the lack of GT FC40 flashlights with USB charging. I’m gonna order two of the M21F models as soon as they’re available with the FC40.

The E70 is also one of my favorites, my only complaint is that its too floody. A but more spot would have been nice.

If you factor in price, utility, size, function, capability, and so on, the S2+ wins every time. You used to be able to get them for under $10.

I agree. Was honestly a little disappointed.

Took a look at the E70, checks all boxes and then you have that flashlight-in-armor treatment, definitely collectible too. What seals the deal is the switch is at the tail - the more instinctual and elegant configuration, imo. The Convoys are coming to the collection in 2022 as well, the masses can’t be wrong. Also a must have but not new for 2022 is the one I most often grab from my light cluttered end table - the venerable Noctigon KR4, a masterpiece that also happens to be a great flashlight. IMO

Whats that short black angle light to the far right?

That’s one of my favs too, HL3A 400K.
Also: Get yours from Killzone Flashlights, Jody there ships as fast as humanly possible! I’m pretty sure Killzone is known around here. Just ordered again, Acebeam L17 Camo, Oak? I haven’t seen any camo elsewhere, low price including battery!

I absolutely LOVE my PL47g2. So im sure I'll like that Lumintop hl3a also. Very cool. What's that other short angle light you have there on left with the yellow stripe?

Haha-we think alike, if you look just beyond the blue bezel KR4 you’ll see the blue glow button on my blood colored PL47g2! That thing is gnarley good, like a big red firetruck. Hey! You’re not effin trolling me are you, you big lug! That’s a Armytek Elf C1 v2. It’s a monster, backed up for10 years by Armytek. You need one, just for the matte black beauty of it.