Must have torches for 2022!

Too right, mate!

Thanks for the tip on 4mode. Sucks to dbl click to turbo and then have the SLOOOOOOW ramp down. Dbl click turbo then hold and straight to low on 4click mode.

Bottom line, if you don’t have an SBT90 or 26800 torch, get this one. If you do, get it anyway!

Convoy M21B with XHP70.2 or GTFC-40 95CRI led.

Solid build, simple and fast UI witch a mechanical switch and a modern led with a modern boost driver.

Should be way more practical an cheaper than the popular Emisar/Fireflies/Astrolux etc. toylights.

Astrolux FT03S SFH55

Whats that short black angle light to the far right?

That’s one of my favs too, HL3A 400K. Also: Get yours from Killzone Flashlights, Jody there ships as fast as humanly possible! I’m pretty sure Killzone is known around here. Just ordered again, Acebeam L17 Camo, Oak? I haven’t seen any camo elsewhere, low price including battery!

I absolutely LOVE my PL47g2. So im sure I'll like that Lumintop hl3a also. Very cool. What's that other short angle light you have there on left with the yellow stripe?

Haha-we think alike, if you look just beyond the blue bezel KR4 you’ll see the blue glow button on my blood colored PL47g2! That thing is gnarley good, like a big red firetruck. Hey! You’re not effin trolling me are you, you big lug! That’s a Armytek Elf C1 v2. It’s a monster, backed up for10 years by Armytek. You need one, just for the matte black beauty of it.

I will get one! I just read the specs on it and it's durability is amazing. Tiny too. I'm gonna prolly have just about every "good" angle light made eventually. I love em.

That’s a good one. I’m really curious about that emitter.

I’m hoping prices keep coming down and 2022 is the year of the budget LEP.

This post is beautiful.

Arbitrary list of popular lights - Winter Solstice 2021 edition

Another vote for the Acebeam E70. If you want a GT-FC40 with a bit more throw, then a Convoy M21B would be an alternative.

Also gotta get something with an SFT40. Pairing it with one of the new TIR throwers seems like a natural choice, whether that’s the Sofirn IF22a, Noctigon DM11, or Manker U22 III.

An Emisar/Noctigon Dual-Channel light would be another recommendation. LH351Ds plus W1s is a popular combo that lets you switch between flood and throw at will.

Five recommendations for the Acebeam E70 so far.

But how do you keep contaminates from accumulating between the inner tube and slotted outer body tube?

And how do you remove the inner tube for cleaning out any contaminates?


This image and more information about the Acebeam E70 is available at URL:

I’d personally say the S21 B35AM.

Powerful, great regulation, and from what I’ve seen, top tier tint and color rendition.

I'm about to pull the trigger on one, mainly becuase of so many recs...but I didn't realize it was designed like this. You gotta be able to take it apart to clean, ya?

“Must have” if your use case is keeping it on a shelf then :wink:


I don’t think there is an easy way to dissamble the body. There’s not much clearance for stuff to get between the tubes, but if you are using it in a particularly dirty environment, I’d say you are probably better off getting two Convoy M21b’s instead. Then if you beat the crap out of one, oh well.

@BlueSwordM unfortunately, there’s been some reports of the B35am smoking at 100%. Hopefully it’s just flux residue or something, but it could be an issue with the MCPCB, since the B35AM can’t use a DTP. But would wait a bit to see if that gets sorted out.


I've only had some dust accumulate over four months.

I think if I were to dunk my Acebeam E70-AL in water, most (all?) of the dust would come off, but it doesn't bother me so I won't be dunking my flashlight.


Actually, holding my flashlight under running water would probably be a better idea.

“The world of flashlights is evolving and progressing faster than it ever has with LED technology, software/UI, etc. What lights can yall not live without in 2022?”

Small lights with magnetic control ring. After trying the RRT-01 2019 and 2012 as well as the V11R, I finally got a really small MCR light - the M11R. Amazing how technology has evolved. Back then.

“Must have”? Unno. Most hoo-ha is about new emitters, like the GTFO-40, 519, BM35, wak-wak-wak.

Maybe it’s inattention, but what I’ve seen, most “new lights” are just previous or “old” versions of lights, but using the new emitters.

To me, “new lights” were things like the GTmicro, WK30, etc. Ie, something new, or at least different.

Eh, I’m probably getting all flashlighted out or something.

Not fair, they invent new bugs and inconveniences all the time.

Best money saver for 2022!

I can recommend trying flashlights with the B35AM and GT FC40. They don’t always come in new hosts, but they certainly add a new dimension to the existing emitter lineup. For GT FC Convoy is the place to go. For some throwier high CRI the Emisar DM11 with B35AM is a very nice experience. It might not win 1st place for throw, but it blows Cree and Luminus based throwers out of the water when it comes to beam quality.

And since they are not 3V emitters, you get a nice constant output due to the boost driver as a bonus.

The E70 is a great light for looking at and actually using too. Went for a walk with the GT-FC40 version last night, and the colour rendering was amazing (quite a step up from my 90CRI LH351D lights which I also love). Very useful for telling the difference between cane toads and leaves on the ground!
Here is an affiliate link for the E70 in case anyone wants to use it.

The new Convoy S21D 519A might give it a close run in high-CRI performance, though maybe not looks. I’ll be reviewing that when it arrives, and comparing it to the E70.

stephenk, you’ve got the 5000-5500K FC40 right?