Must have torches for 2022!

Acebeam use the 4500k GT-FC40. If you want other CCTs you will need to look at Convoy.

I would love to see more lights copy the Jetbeam RRT01. More ring lights. Better designs. The only way to get brighter lights is to make bigger lights. I don't want bigger lights. I want prettier lights.

Acebeam and Lumintop are sort of figuring it out a little but there still needs to be a marriage between aesthetics (will someone call it pretty?), functionality (what's the UI?), usability (does it have a good pocket clip? how to turn it on? easy to locate? tail magnet? tail stand?), and customizability (what can I change to make it prettier? to work better? how easily?). I had durability in there but honestly I don't even care about that it can be fixed or replaced. Can't fix or replace the others.

Yeah I'm more asking what lights are most suited for an enthusiast. So you are on top of things with this point you're making. We wanna edc a nice piece of pocket jewelry that also happens to be able to blind a room full of things that matter are looks, aux leds, UI, ease of customization, etc. Are all bigger factors to me than what LED is in the lights. If i can afford it, I like ordering 2 of the same light, one high CRI and one high lumens. It have yet to order one with both, im eyeballing a d4v2 with 2 Nichias and 2 CREE' it may be my first.

I don’t know if you can speak for an entire forum of enthusiasts that encompass countries all over the globe with a very, very wide level of interest, use cases, and daily needs. Aux leds matter? I mean they’re fun, but…to each his own. What matters is drivers and that’s where the most improvement could be made in 2022…or past…or future. Nicha + Cree seems like a way to nerf output, but if the limitations work for lumen desires, still would be a great light as are most that Hank has done.

Between chip shortages and whatever the heck may become of world trade and economy in the very near future, I hope we’ll still see some great new lights for this year…we’ll see what they do introduce and what may have to wait until later.

No, I can't, and won't speak for everyone..why would you assume the word "WE" translates to "everyone"? when I say "we" I mean me and folks like me. I'm, by no means, trying to speak for everyone. Change the word "WE" to the word "i". Also, I got crucified for mentioning a hint of some be careful, folks will think you're being political! Lol.

Eh…this place has always (mostly…largely) been a decent friendly place, almost a family place, even. Most of the stuff that isn’t “pleasant at the dinner table” stays out of here, or is short-lived. It’s nice that way. Everyone’s human and there’s tolerance for that…great mod. :slight_smile:

For my daily life, the lights I consider “edc” aren’t going to make many lists. lol. I have a lot of fun lights but lean toward practical and/or necessary. For “edc” daily use in a lot of jobs that need lights, many of our lights that we love dearly often don’t make the cut for a number of reasons. I did wow several coworkers with the KR4 I got awhile back. But almost predictably, first comments after holding it were along the lines of, what good are they? (referring to the aux lights). I didn’t have a great answer! They also don’t see the novelty in setting a paper towel on fire with an FW3A…but that’s just them being dumb.

I think it would be most relevant if folks stated their preferences first…ie…flooder, thrower, or combo. After that, I would say small/pocketable, medium/jacket pocketable, or large. Cuts away a lot of the fluff.
My preference is a combo that is small/pocketable, then medium/jacketable. Oh, and something that provides several hours of good use, not on turbo obviously. Am looking forward to Hank’s upcoming DM1.12.