Running my triple XPG SWM V11R Mirage off 1 eneloop AA
Mouse over: Before.. Mouse out: After
Just wanted to goof around, and saw that the carclo triple optics fitted right into the bezel!
But the 3 little legs didnt fit inside the head.(So I had to do some surgery)
The 20mm triple noctigon also didnt fit inside the head.. so I shaved off quite a bit, and now it sits nice and snug in the head.
Just popped out the original MCPCB and connected the wires to the triple, and voila.. light... ;)
its a real nerd mod. Nothing spectacular, but it looks interesting.. the first Sunwayman V11R triple ;)
1. if you have the right tools, you should drill the head and make a nice shelf for the triple MCPBC.
or add some copper that will go into the head and touch the led base.
2. Mine is touching the sides, but probably not enough to let it run off a 14500.
3. The domes of the optics are touching the inside of the head, so without borin the head, you would have to cut the domes a little to fit it inside the head better.
4. Because of this, the bezeld doesnt screw down fully.. If you have the tools, this would be no problem at all!