Need help to do a simple "turn on" setup to check color

I just received 10 pieces of these: UV 395nm-405nm

It says 660nm on the bag?!? I've got a feeling they are not 395-405nm. Last time I saw a led with a red base under the dome was when I build two IR flashlights.

And yes - looking closer at the aliexpress page - under product details/item specifics - it says Model Number: 3W Deep Red 660nm.


I still haven't received host and driver for my build, so I have no way of testing the led. Is there any way to make an easy setup to power up the led, so i can confirm if the led's are UV or IR? I do not own a multimeter yet.

Would I fry the led if I just connects it directly to a 18650 battery, or do I need some kind of resistor in the setup?

touch the leads with 2x aaa battery?

Good idea. I'll try that. Crossing my fingers for only smaller explosions :-P

Yeah, but everything else on the page —- the pictures and descriptions — claims they’re selling you UV emitters.

You’re entitled to rely on the pictures — and what they sent you looks nothing like what’s on that page.

I was curious enough to email the seller and quote the contradictory descriptions and ask what they’re really selling.


I'll test the led - and send them a mail if it's not uv.

A single AAA did the trick ... clearly not uv ... :tired:

and I got a reply to an email inquiry about the different descriptions on that page — so you ought to get a prompt reply too.

Now we have Chinese UV as well, a 660nm UV :smiley:

660nm uv

I got a mail-reply today, with an apology.

They have now changed the product details/item specifics, so it correctly says "Model Number: 3W 3535 395nm-405nm".

Still a bit weird that I got a red led though.

... Waiting for a reply to my last mail :-)