Need Most efficient/highest output driver for 1xAA and Sgl mode driver for 1x18650

Just experienced a hell of a week last week(Flood/blackouts) and now its time to rethink my setup ready for disaster.
Needing your expert opinions/help, Looking to replace the driver of a few of my budget lights with pretty bad PWM on low and looking for the best driver to replace them, Can’t buy new/expensive lights so I just have to upgrade my existing ones (It’s always fun to mod lights). :bigsmile:

Here’s what I’m looking for

For 1xAA lights
-Driver 1:Highest Output on 1xAA with multiple modes
-Driver 2: Sgl mode driver that Runs 24hrs on 1xAA(Eneloops)

For 1x18650/16340

- Driver 1: Single mode at 100mA

  • Driver 2: High mode: Constant regulated at 3500mA, modes(100, 10, 1%) with memory

*No bad PWM on lower modes

Is this existing somewhere at a budget price?

Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

Glad you made it through ok Ian.

I am interested in a good AA driver too. I have an old favourite EDC I would like to fix.

I made a small LED boost circuit that handles 1xAA through a CR123 cell (3volts). It is not regulated - the current will drop as the battery voltage drops, but it will work until the voltage gets to about 0.8volts. Being a boost circuit, you can’t use a LiIon cell since that voltage 3.7-4.2v is above the vf of most LED’s, so the LED basically gets DD (direct drive) and you can kill the LED - as long as the cell’s voltage is lower than the vf, then you are OK. Details here in my website:
Joule Thief circuit boards


Wow, those are really great drivers you got there. A bit expensive for me but they are really awesome.

I Just thought I’m asking too much geting info of several drivers I decided to set my needs to 2,
*Efficient single mode driver that has 20-30 lumen setting and has no bad PWM.
1x18650(with low voltage warning)*

I hope im not asking too much. :slight_smile:

I looked around for good AA drivers as well, because there a great budget AA-lights (aka hosts…) but I really dont like their PWM, so I ended up with this one, wich seems to be just perfect, but quite expensive:
EOS-Lamp AA driver at intl-outdoor
AA-drivers with modes but without visible PWM are really hard to find it seems to me…

edit: I don’t have this driver (yet?), so I cant tell you how it is, but it seems great on “paper”

How good is this driver, Lumens and runtimes?
Is it easy to solder as it seems to have 3 wires.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

Oh I edited my post too late… I dont have it (yet), so I am sorry that I cant tell you.
Though runtime and lumen can be estimated with the given currents (500mA on high, 160 mid and 7mA low), and the data of the used batterys capacity as well as the used LED’s Lumen per current.

Maybe this driver can help. It is single mode available in 350ma, 700ma, 1050ma, 1400ma. The link is for the 350ma but here is a link for all the drivers that Kaidomain lists

I can answer that. This driver is outstanding, and I've been meaning to do a driver round-up. Here are the quick tailcap draw specs:

1xAA eneloop 2xAA eneloop
Low: 20ma Low: 10ma
Med: 480ma Med: 200ma
High: 1.9A High: 700ma

Somewhere I have the actual emitter currents written down... this was using a cree xm-l.

I think E1320 will have some stuff in 7135 drivers left from his UF2100 build ! Send Erik a PM ………

Thanks for the link, will add this on my next order.

Is this EOSLAMP easy to solder or mod? DO you know what AA budget lights it will fit best?

E1320 have really great mods and driver configuration, its just according to him shipping internationally will be costly.


Is it easy to solder? It's the same as any other driver I suppose...I think it easy

Just a note, the two clear leads are both the led only need to connect one, and can clip the other if you want.

As far as modding goes? Not sure....they sent mine completely covered with the black rubber goop covering it, just like in the photo.

I Thought I need to solder two wire on 1 contact. :smiley:
Will include one on my next order, at what host did you put yours? I think it will not fit on my current AA budget lights(Ultrafire C3 SS and Akoray K106).

I currently have that driver stuck in an old AA-S1 - I wan't to say it's 17mm diameter, but is able to be filed down slightly...