Just received a couple C8s xp-l hi for BG and I noticed a Convoy branded driver, instead the classic one.
I was impressed with the new spring which seems better and was used first in the Convoy driver with biscotti firmware
Unfortunately, when I tried to flash the driver, I got error message from avrdude.
What was the error message? Any clue whether the Attiny is locked? can you read it out?
I think it’s because the top right leg of the chip is connected to ground.
Is this the old driver or the new one ?
Because new one has some issues :
They used wrong fuses :
Also take a look here :
Very useful.
I am not at home and i cannot post the error message avrdude shows.
I believe the solution George post above, is the way to go.
Interesting that there is another new driver. Is this an updated version of the “red” driver with the correct fuses I wounder?
J-Dub74 can answer that.
Sadly this is the first I have heard or seen of this driver. I did tell him to put his name on the driver which was supposed to be coming down the line but they’re also supposed to be red and I don’t think they have the fuse values set correctly yet. Any driver that has all the corrections I sent Simon has not even left the factory yet.
Like Jerommel said, the flashing issue is likely a grounded pin on the MCU. That is the case on the red drivers. Tom E did some troubleshooting for me and in the case of the red drivers pin #5 of the MCU was grounded and to flash the driver he took an exacto across the trace that was grounding it, then it flashed fine. I can’t see close enough from these pictures but in the case of the red drivers you have to cut where the yellow lines are shown below to break the connection and then it flashes fine.
Can you try to get a clear close-up picture of each side of the board, particularly, around the MCU? That would be helpful
cannot se sck period
target doesnt answer
This is the failure message i get when try to flash it.
Macro pics soon
I can confirm this, yesterday tried to reprogram one of those new red convoy drivers and got same error, but after cutting 5th mcu leg I was able to reprogram it without issues.
I got these new drivers on my s2+ as well.
Same layout with the red driver.
So, I couldn’t really see much from the picture of the green driver all back-lit but if it is indeed the same layout as the red then cutting right where I showed should fix the flashing issue. I passed this along to Simon too. Of course both Simon and his driver factory are all on holiday right now for the spring festival. Several more weeks of little or no communication with China but when he gets back he’ll pass the info to the proper people and hopefully get a fix in the works for the next run of drivers.
Does that leg then need to be reconnected to ground?
If this leg is connected to ground the MCU cant be reset
No, it can be left hanging alone
For the record I was not saying to literally cut the leg but just the trace on the board as I showed with yellow lines. This could be done with an exacto blade or something like that, just be careful to just cut were indicated by the yellow lines to break connection of the trace there. There are others who could probably explain it better…