It looks like a smoking deal if it's really a Solarforce and it's really an XM-L. But only 1-mode. Hopefully this is the beginning of more Solarforce lights with XM-L emitters.
There's no way the host or drop-in is Solarforce. It took Solarforce forever to adopt XP-G LED's so I doubt they will have XM-L's for a while. Looks like the host tailstands (L2's don't) and it is too light in color to be gunmetal gray, so my guess is it is a silver 504B/Uniquefire L2 with a Solarforce logo. KD should know better.
Definitely a fake Solarforce. I have it and bought the host from Lightake. It's actually not bad. I have my XML drop-in inside this host and it does a good job. I prefer this host over the real Solarforce because of the smooth bezel, which doesn't obstruct the spill as much as the real one, and also it tailstands.
If KD would just add more and better photos plus more information they would most likely sell more items. That is one of the things KD does that just bugs the hell out of me.
That's irritating that it's fake. I updated the title. At any rate, a tailstandable light is preferable to one that isn't, so maybe this clone has its virtues.
My L2 with a Warm MC-E from KD ought to arrive today. Maybe I can comment the quality of the body then. Unfortunately my real Solarforce L2P to compare is still on the way.
I bought a black solarforce fake from LT in the past and it was really well made (apart from a hard dent on the bezel/head which eventually got replaced by LT).
My L2 with Warm MC-E from KD arrived today. As far as I could examine, it is a good peace of machine work. No flaws, good threads, shiny exterior, perfectly tail standing switch. It is definitely a good body.
I don't know what the deal is with the strikebezels, but the lack of tailstanding I think is based on the SureFire 6P that they were copying. And some people like that because if they have gloves on they can still easily use the switch. Also the SureFire has a lockout feature so the protruding button doesn't accidentally turn the light on (not exactly sure how all of that works since I don't have one).
I'm not even that crazy about the flat bezels because they don't stick out enough to actually protect the head. To me the idea should be that if you drop it and ding the bezel, you just get a new bezel, or the stainless steel won't be as likely to ding as the aluminum head. But the flat bezel doesn't offer any protection to the head. Still, given the price of the L2P stainless bezel, I got flat ones. In retrospect, I should have probably ordered a L2P. I'm sure I'll get one someday.