New flashlight company: Imalent. Flashlights with display

Kind of interesting, but completely useless in a wide variety of climates with moisture or temperature differences. I’m always having a threat of rain and/or fog, and even the moisture in a pocket while hiking vigorously, or an extreme temperature difference is enough to mess up the touch screen of my phone. Except for certain southern climates, no way does this sound like an acceptable idea, unless you are going somewhere you dont really have to use the light…in which case why are you carrying it?

Wallbuys is planning on carrying this, saw it on their Facebook page

It could be a laminated membrane type switch. The two conductive sides are on the inside of the film & facing each other, separated by plastic beads. When you run your finger along the screen, effectively you are shorting different segments of the screen and the circuit knows if you are going from low to high etc. Touch screens on hardened industrial PC’s use systems like this, they don’t short in the wet.

That’s a resistive touch screen you’re describing.

i wonder if this touch screen light will go crazy when wet???

Not if it is the type I’ve already described. Current is on the inside and power drain only occurs when you press it.

For NW fans: not sure if it’s been mentioned or not, at the moment none of their models are available in NW with an XM-L2 emitter. I might have misunderstood, but I got the impression the only model that will have a NW XM-L2 in the immediate future will be the DC2R (the model without the touch screen). If you want NW it seems you can get an XM-L T6.

I sort of want the screen to stay lit whilst the light is on. It may not be practical from a power conservation point of view but it would look cool. :bigsmile:

A little GPS tracker screen would seal the deal.

It seems that touch screens must be a whole lot less rugged than hard aluminum alloy. Since one can see the output, I don’t see the advantage of having to also read it, taking your eyes off what you turned it on for.

Electronic controls are nice, but what about, parasitic drain?

There seem to be a ton of questions and so far they are all unknowns. Obviously no-one wants to be the first to gamble their hard earned money to take it for the team. It would seem the smartest thing Imalent could do would follow in the footsteps of Fenix, et al, and get a number of these units into the hands of some unbiased testers who are willing to publish some objective reviews.

I would be in for DD2R or DC2R (I don’t see the difference) if on group buy.

*unfortunately, video is in russian :~

I'd at least bid on one, but I am already short of flashlight loot right now. There have been too many good deals and projects lately.

It’s been 10 days since I emailed Imalent about a group buy, no response from them. Someone else can try if they want, looks like the DD4R I was interested in is going to be more than I am willing to pay.

Will my thumb too big to adjust the output?

I know two users of a german flashlightsforum who bought the T4A 8 days ago. If the flashlights arrive, I will post the link to the thread here. I'm sure they will made some pictures (especially of the display and some beamshots), but the shipping will take a few more days (think about the shipping delay of HongKong and Chinapost at the moment).

The shop with the videos is a little bit weird. They sell expensive flashlights of Fenix, Olight, SWM, Armytek, Klarus but uses the cheapest batteries you can get on the market and mixed the bad Ultrafire 3000mAh and 4000mAh.
I would never use this batteries in my flashlights or a small review. They also sell Nitecore batteries - why don't they use these in a video.

The two T4A in the german flashlight forum are arrived, but the customers aren't impressed.

It looks nice, the built quality i good, but the new feature - the display isn't really good. It doesn't react on every touch and switch off after 30 seconds. It takes 3 seconds to switch the flashlight on or off.

The flashlight switch off and the Eneloops have 1,21-1,22 volt. If you use the cheap charger, which is included, it end with 1,41/1,42V. The flashlight and the charger are battery friendly, but if you want to have the best runtime, it isn't perfect.

The thing looks very cool. A big WOW factor, but durability wise, I feel safer with anything without too much digital intervension, esp a flashlight with an ipod screen like that. :bigsmile:
In traditional flashlight, when you broke the switch, you can simply buy a cheap sparepart for replacement.
In digital flashlight like that, when you broke the screen, you simply throw it away.

2 years from now, we’ll see a flashlight with digital card reader, FM radio & MP3 player in 1. :heart_eyes:

Apparently they have sent a few models to Selfbuilt for review, so there may be more available info around the corner.

ive bid on a few 4x aa models on flea bay

but they are old xpg r5 and seem to sell for around $70

no way ill pay even half that for a light i no almost nothing about

high tech power button but old emitters? no thanks.