New site format

Mandrake50, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Sure there was a learning curve with the new site and the way its controls are laid out, but as with any other site, you learn to use it. SB56637, you have been very accommodating for the users here, thank you. I’m sure with time it will get even better. I already like it better than the old site. I find myself reading it on my phone more often since I really didn’t like having to pan left to right on the old site.

Thanks again,


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I just logged in to BLF and found that the site got a new interface. I am not the biggest fan of this forum software. I have seen it before; OpenWRT seems to use the same format. I will grow accustomed to it but boy do I miss the pagination. I do not like endless scrolling at least on desktop. For mobile it is acceptable.

Hi there @anonymous_user , good to see you here. Thanks for giving the new forum engine a chance. I understand that the familiarity of the old design was comfortable for many, but there are many advantages to the new forum engine too. I’m not here to defend the developers of this new forum software, but overall it was the best option for the long term. You can read more about the reasons for the decision here:

I have gotten used to the date slider on the right side of a thread (desktop). I find that is is easier to find a date range or post number using it, rather than clicking on a page number and then scrolling. It also makes it easy to get to the last post quickly. If you play with it a bit, you may find you even might like it… At least I do.

BTW, this format makes searching much easier…

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The date slider makes all the difference. Hardly much need for mouse wheel scrolling to move forward or back a span of weeks or months. I like this new way now that I have gotten used to it.

Interestingly enough, the other day now searching for something on another site, which uses the traditional page system, I found myself wishing I could have a date slider like here.

2 Thanks

Thanks to everyone for their comments. And here are mine regarding why I agree that the lack of pagination isn’t a bad thing:

It’s a useful widget. The appearance bothered me though, so I changed it to look more like an actual scrollbar…

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I do like that better. Easier to see where you are and easier to find with the mouse pointer.
Undoubtedly using a finger on a touch screen would also be much easier.

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I use at the moment the dark BLF theme.
What is the meaning of the white backgrounds?
It is random
Edit: Solved from @quahog It is a bookmark

You have a bookmark to that post (or a reply on that post). There’s a bookmark icon right to the left of the post title.

3 Thanks

AHHH, now I see it.
Thank you!

Hi @joechina , yep that was a quick tweak I made to make bookmarked topics stand out a bit more prominently in large lists. If most find it annoying or unhelpful I can revert it.

1 Thank

Lol, I had exactly the same question this morning. I didn’t know that feature existed until I saw it in my unread list. So I added some CSS for it and now it displays bookmarked table rows in a theme-able color. It’ll be part of the next code I upload, and should be included when sb updates the themes on the server.

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The white background on the dark thread is quite jarring. I thought it was an unintended bug that would get sorted out as the theme modifications progressed. It looks better in the light theme, I think as a yellow-ish background.


These colors aren’t necessarily final, but here’s how it looks for me right now:

I’m trying to make the transition so I hope this comment shows up ok. I want to begin by saying thank you to SB and ToyKeeper. I know you all have put in a lot of work helping people and I greatly appreciate it. I am currently using one of ToyKeeper’s themes and I find it much more intuitive. I’m not tech savvy and it took a couple of tries but I finally got the theme working.

To me the transition to the new site seems like giving a grandmother a fancy light with Andruil. You have given her one of the best lights you could and serious improved her flashlight collection. But she’s just confused. From what I gather, the new version is superior to the old version and an update was necessary. Us “grandmas” are just having trouble. I think if everybody could look at it like that it would help everyone understand where people are coming from.

Thanks again SB for upgrading things and keeping everything running. Thanks for all you do behind the scenes. And thank you ToyKeeper for coming up with some new formats.

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Thanks a lot for your kind post. That’s a pretty apt comparison with Andúril. And I would say that like Andúril, this new forum software can still be used in a more basic way by users that prefer to keep things simple, while also offering some important features that other users needed. But it could be that some features present themselves with unnecessary complexity and/or are somewhat hidden, so please let me know if you have any specific observations. Thanks a lot for giving it an honest shot and for adapting.

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How do I preview a reply or post?

I am using my pc and I only see at the bottom left of the screen, the “Reply” and the “Close” options.

The preview should be directly to the right of the area where you input info.
You don’t click on anything to see the preview, just look a little to the right.

2 Thanks

I just tried it, including testing it with a photo preview, and it works great. Thanks!

The more I slowly learn to how use this “new” BLF, the more I see it’s really a good leap in the right direction.

It’s only a matter of time when I really get to know the hang of this new format (and how to post/upload, etc.) that eventually I would believe the old one was well, old.

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