Hello, PLEASE PLEASE bring back the old format of BLF. Have only been a viewer of your site for a few years and found navigation very easy to use. This new site layout really is from somebody/some group of people who really doesn’t know how to design a forum. WHY oh WHY for this major change? New designs are to make life easier NOT more difficult. Will give myself time to try and adjust but it doesn’t look like it right now. THX, Dennis.
Hi Dennis, sorry to hear that. Could you please explain exactly what you don’t like about it?
I was IN IT for over 30 years. I was part of numerous roll outs of new or updated software and web pages. Well no one likes change. But give it a chance and learn your way around. Overall, I think the new format is better than the old one. I just undestand that it is goiing to take me a while to learn how to best use it. I think we will all get there.
Also, there are lots of folks, including @sb56637 that will help you. Just ask.
I agree. My first impression was bring back the old. Not fair, not right, but like most, change is not always readily embraced. In just a few minutes of using it I can tell that it will be just fine. Will take a bit to adjust and adapt but this is a great place to be and I have enormous respect for sb56637! The new forum will continue to be great!
This new forum is excellent, I completely disagree with your comment ‘This new site layout really is from somebody/some group of people who really doesn’t know how to design a forum’ in fact it’s the opposite, the problem is the users who doesn’t know how to use it (and some who are not willing to learn).
PLEASE don’t take that the wrong way - I honestly don’t mean any offence to you or anyone else, we are all learning ‘how to’ but give it a little time and you’ll find it way better than the old one, just takes a bit of getting used to is all.
I’m getting on in years myself, and I know some on here are way older than me, and change gets harder to accept/take on as you get older - fact, I experience it every day!
Everything online is kinda hard when you have to relearn your way through a site that you’ve used for years and it seems harder still as we get older. This is my first post on the new site and I’m hoping I don’t screw up. I’m pretty sure it’ll be easier next time and in a few days, it’ll be a piece-of-cake. Sure are a heap of emoticons.
Yeah its weird to navigate on my phone and dont care for it. I like the simplistic themes better. I hate how there is no longer pages and you have to scroll down. Bummer.
Edit- Switched to dark them and its better, but still overly complicated to navigate.
I totally agree about the long threads sans pages. I started down a thread intending to post at the end and gave up after a thousand or so posts.
Yes. You can use the side slider to get quickly to the end, but some kind of “skip to last post” feature would be very nice.
Or maybe a personalized setting to take one to the last post in a thread by default… ??
You can just hit the “home/end” key on your keyboard - or click the dates above/below the scroll bar
Where do you switch to the “dark theme”?
Couple of different ways to jump to the end.
Below the first post in the thread is a
“Last Reply” text that if clicked will take you to the end.
Or you can look at the URL and see
(The ccc above is to keep the text from becoming a link)
The last number is the post # in the thread.
Off to the side of a POST is a 1/XXXX
The XXXX is the last POST.
Change the # at the end of the URL like in the text above.
All the Best,
Yes… many ways to get there, but a button in the UI would make it easier… and more intuitive for those that don’t know the “tricks”.
True - would be helpful and I miss the “Last Page” option.
@Mandrake50 That’s a fair point, it could be more intuitive / discoverable. I need to make a post with some Discourse tips as soon as I dig out from under all of this. But the functionality is indeed there, in my opinion it’s no more difficult or tedious to navigate with the slider bar than with a paginated design. If I want to read a long thread of posts 1 by 1 then I can just keep scrolling. And if I’m looking for a specific point in a long thread I used to have to guess which one of the hundreds of pages of posts in the middle is near the timeframe I’m looking for, but now the “post slider” (whatever it’s called, the UI, not the browser’s scrollbar) shows you the date range where you’re scrolling before you let go, so it gets you much closer fast. I’m obviously biased, but I think that the old paginate paradigm was far from ideal, albeit familiar.
Did you try these? They’re clickable links that take you directly to the first and last posts.
On Android… after I tapped on the x/y post # indicator on the lower right the following popped up (screenshot). Easy to select any post number or date for a jump… See lower left of screenshot
This change to the forum will simply take some getting used to. Same thing I had to do with the new dishwasher, the new car, the new smartphone, the… Change is a part of life, as much as I don’t like it at times, change is here to stay.
Testing! First post after migration (Hope it shows)
The new site navigation feels weird, but I am willing to learn it.