new: Solarforce Z1 and Z2

The Tenergy cells test quite well [all cell types]. I’ve spotted 4 - 8 cell bundles for as little as $2.50 each. The AW cells are only rated as 500 mAH vs the Tenergy 750 mAH. OTOH, the AW are very conservatively rated.

OTOH, for the price of the Z1 you could try a regular RCR16340 and if goes “POOF” so what. Buy a good multi-mode driver and a Nichia 219 or a 80 CRI XM-L2 and you still have a bargain light. JMHO-YMMV

Thanks for the info. I’ve got 4Sevens charger which can charge to 3.6v instead of 4.2v @ 0.5A. This should be ok for LifePO4, I assume the Tenergy cells would be ok?

If 16340 use is a must and CR123 primaries are useless, swap in a Nanjg 105C flashed with Nlite - select memory/no memory, l-m-h/h-m-l mode order, and moonlight/no moonlight, any combination of those three, just by soldering the stars.

I’d still have to replace the forward clicky, change out the emitter for nw or high cri and then it becomes an expensive host kit.

Cr123 cells aren’t as available over here as they are over there and their pretty expensive when you do get them.

Arrived today , better than I expected

Interesting. Have yo tried it with a 16340?

I think I should ask Solarforce about this subject.
I received the “z1” 1 hour ago, maybe this afternoon I try a 16340, I think about quietly 0:)

Looks good Trevi_lux

Some extra pics

Lanyard and one oring

Perfect tailstand.

The materials and finishes are fine, remember that costs less than $ 20.

Not too cold, not too warm, Perfect Neutral? :bigsmile:
Clearly more powerful than T20 Thrunite using primaries.

Very light and compact with rear switch. The distribution of the 4 modes is very equilibrated visually.
It was a good purchase.
If it worked with RCR123A, then it would be fantastic purchase (I’m awaiting a response from Solarforce about this).

If it says '1.5-4.2v' on the side and you give it 4.2 and it blows up, I think you have an airtight case for a no-hassle warranty replacement. :)

I put one 16340. Turn on high, but does not change modes, then the next time will not start, flashing lights then again only high, I’ve removed and goes well with the primary. wait for an answer before trying again :~

Received reply from Solarforce.
It is a mistake (on the box and on the flashlight engrave) they will correct.
The Z1 does not work with RCR123A can only use 3.0V batteries.

That really is rather poor IMO. It as if they haven’t even bother to QC the lights and test a production version. How on earth anything this huge could make it to end customers beggers belief!!

Yes.. agree.. poor QC.

they show ~4.2V.... even on the flashlight..

Still waiting for the Z2.

I have a few cheapie 3.0v Ultrafire 16340’s. I wonder if they will work on this light? I have one coming in also. It is disappointing that li-on cells won’t work. I kind of wish I had taken the time to read this entire thread before buying it though. I also like L-M-H mode better but this wil have to do. I thought that this might be a pocket thrower but probably not without li-on capabilities.

Maybe not quite as big as FOY, but I’m a big Solarforce fan nonetheless, and even I think putting the wrong voltage window on the light and the packaging is ridiculous.

Maybe they ment ~4,2 Voltuge?? :p

Solarforce have tendency to mess up labeling it seems..

Is it just me or does this yellow knurling have silver edges on… well, almost every edge? Does not look very well machined.

Lol. Great work Solarforce. So far I still don´t get why SF has such a good reputation.
Anyway, I DID order another L2M some days ago to see if I get a proper one after my 2 very bad picks from SF.

Might need some TLC manxbuggy, worked for the convoy :wink:

It certainly did! You took it from a 490 to 962 lumens OTF and 5200 to 9300cd. Awesome gains. You might just be getting this little guy to work your magic on too.