New to BLF, veteran on CPF, long rant.


Per the listed rules as interpreted by some moderators links to non member commercial entities are not allowed. How well it is enforced seems to vary with the area and the moderator for the area so far as I can tell. I believe that some moderators treat posts with links as “Shilling” and delete the links. Too many so called shilling posts can get you banned. I have personally seen moderator notes about links being removed from posts and warnings in some threads.

The shilling policy is noted, but in my mind not clearly defined, in two threads in the “Administrative Announcements” area. This is the rules area and has 153 threads. WHY does a simple enthusiast group need 153 rules threads for “administrative” purposes. Rules for such a group should be one page long and clearly defined in a few sentences or short paragraphs. Greta seems to try to be a micro manager.

BTW I have run three Yahoo groups for years.

That only applies in the recommend a light area. You can mention any supplier without a link. Your definitely drawing a long bow on this one.

Never heard or seen 153 rules threads. Maybe questions posted asking my about uses? Sorry can’t answer that one.

Same thing happened to a e-cig group I belong to…started out ok, but then got moderated to death

A new forum opened up…has 4 rules…guess where people are heading to in droves :smiley:

While these stats are probably true, on CPF I suspect they a spread over many different forum groups (even excluding the market place). BLF has less categories. Observationally I think BLF is just as active as CPF on the main LED chit chat, it just doesn’t have all the sub forums.

So they only trust their lives on Surefire?

Well I don’t care, I only trust fire (pun intended).

Welcome to BLF! :beer:

Thanks! Interesting read. Wonder if DavidW still comes back marveling over how huge the thing he set in motion have become.

Greta’s post is a bit odd though. She is insinuating he just abandoned CPF without a trace, making it necessary for her to step in and save CPF. But he was still posting there at the time of that thread.

Hi there Lazarus! A warm welcome to BLF. I’m actually a fairly old CPF (circa 2006) member, but guess what my personal preference is now? :party: I sincerely hope you find BLF useful and, above all, enjoyable and friendly.

Welcome to the forum Lazarus. Hope you have a great time here.

People can be grouped into 3 categories:

  • Those that would join in or encourage the kickers when they see someone on the ground getting kicked. Some join in to belong and others because they enjoy inflicting pain on others. There is no bravery or honor here. Therefore, it isn’t sport in the true sense of the word.
  • Those that choose to do nothing. This is the largest group of people. Some of them don’t care. Some do not agree with what is happening. Mostly good people, but again no bravery or honor. The silent majority.
  • Those that do what they can to stop the abuse.

The weight of moderation should not rest solely on the administrator of a forum. All members of a community have a implicit responsibility to try to not allow abuse to flourish. Bullies prey on weakness and generally avoid situations that are not heavily weighed in their favor. Together, we can help BLF maintain its reputation as one of the friendliest and safest forums around. It is my belief that most visitors come here for good information and to share a passion for the hobby, not for “sport”.

If that amused you, have you seen his “tactical” pen for 160 USD?

Or his Klingon lights he’s making with Foxfury?

I have to agree with that. I think it started when they introduced cpf marketplace. That was the first big shift

As other pointed out in this thread, the rules about posting links. In the “Recommend me a light” section, which is section mostly dedicated to noobs and people who doesn’t really know much about flashlights, you’re only allowed to post links CPF Marketplace. So unless you’re not paying CPF, people can not link your product. How is that supposed to benefit the users and is not a decision just to make money? Although I’m curious what happens if you link to a Surefire? They are not on the marketplace?

Haha, thanks(and to everyone else who wished me welcome again)! This is really a great forum. As I said before, last time I looked around, there were no real alternatives to CPF. But I have already gotten help on this forum, and there seems to be tons of info and healthy activity, and I love the atmosphere here. Great job!

Hmmm, I just checked there and could not find any forums about submarines, u-boats, or any submersible vehicles. Maybe BLF could add one?

Be very wary of this member sb. He lives by the expression expect it when you least expect it. I've learnt to sneak around when he is here and address him with the name sir.

Seriously though sb supplies the power to keep this forum running brightly.


This is a prime example of what drags BLF down, ImA4Wheelr found it funny to quote me and change my nick to ratbag.

The question is why, what fun or pleasure do you derive from this sort of behavior, if it’s supposed to be humor, it’s at another members expense. Sorry I just don’t get it, this really amounts to school yard teasing / bullying.

I just copy and pasted. I didn't realize there was no member named rat bag. My sincerest apologies. I will edit my post.

EDIT: Post edited and no, I don't find that funny.

Welcome to BLF :slight_smile:

I’ll say this, I’ve learned quite a bit from the folks here on the forum. Usually when I post a question I’ll have one or more replies within a hour or so, all helpful. Folks here are happy to educate you, post links to good deals/products and generally just make you feel welcome. I appreciate that and it makes you want to come here and ask cause you know you’ll get positive feedback rather than someone making you feel like an idiot cause you didn’t know the answer.

Thumbs up for the forum and I’ve told others about it.

Thanks, :slight_smile: looks like I didn’t look back far enough.

The real culprit :

How many forums can you ask a technical question on and get 5 engineers giving you detailed answers? On some sites, people guard their knowledge as if they invented fire or something. Here everyone jumps in to help, which is why this site is such a gem.

That would be me… and I have perfected totally new techniques for releasing vast quantities of free-range magic smoke. J)

Hello, even though according to Godwin’s law this thread has reached maximum length and died.

hah…another one of my odd “hobbies”