New to li ion batteries. what charger will fit Usb-c 21700

hey all, looking for a charger that will except Acebeam usbc 21700’s with at least 4 bays . Just got into flashlights and falling down the rabbit hole. want a charger that will future proof me as much as possible with all the bells and whistles like storing and multi charging.

What is your budget?

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Not sure how expensive they get. Lets say whats best option with no budget. I dont mind spending the money. I see xtar has a few that have the L versions like the dragon vp4l plus. It says protected 21700. Cant find the accutual bay length if they can take usbc 21700. I ordered the vapcell s4plus and someone told me they cant charge the usbc 21700’s so i can return that when it gets here

This is old, but it maight give you some ideas.

I have an S4 Plus V2 charger. I think the only 21700 button top USB rechargeable cell that I have (The Cyansky branded BL2150U) fits into it , but just barely. I mean I have to apply some force to get it to seat in there. A quick measure with just a ruler shows about 77.4 +/- 2 mm. (EDIT: Cynasky says 77.3mm. So I was pretty darn close.) Your cell specs say 76.8 mm. So the S4 plus should be able to fit it. It is a decent charger and often recommended around here. There are a couple of lengthy threads about the V2 and new V3 models here if you want to check them out.

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Please enjoy your time here, TheLastRōnin!

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It sounds like they must be charged by some sort of USB adapter, and a normal charger might not work! Idk the specifics but best to check the specs on the battery first.

This is anecdotal for sure, but I have a bunch of USB rechargeable cells, as long as they fit in the charger, I have never had a problem charging them with any charger that I have tried. They do show higher than normal IR and the resting voltage is a bit lower than what I usually see…
But they charge just fine.

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Interesting! Sounds like your cells come with an internal charging circuit that also allows for normal charging in addition to USB charging. It’s unclear whether this is the case for all USB-C cells.

Of course I can’t make any kind of universal statement on this. I haven’t tried every type of cell ever produced that has USB charging built in. But I have tried several cells from half a dozen different sources and I do a lot of reading on flashlights and cells. I have yet to see one or hear about any any cannot be recharged in an external charger. This is enough so that I just assume when I get a cell of this type that I can recharge it with one of my chargers. So far that assumption has held up.

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That’s good news, I personally have not used any USB-C cells and don’t know what the general trend is, was just pointing out an implicit assumption that has gone unchecked until your post!