New upgrade designs for Wurkkos TS25. Which one would you prefer?

Hi BLFers,
We are preparing to optimize Wurkkos TS25 to make it better.

New visual design added on December 6, 2023
(We officially decided to change its name to TS26)

Sep 8, 2023 updated
There are 7 designs for TS25 now. Which one would you prefer?
Or have any better ideas? :thinking:

7 Thanks

Ik like D and E.

2 Thanks

Got it! Thanks for your fast vote sir ; )

D for style, A and B for originality!

  • 99 style points if it comes with a boost driver :)!
7 Thanks
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • E1
  • F
  • F1
  • G
0 voters
9 Thanks

B is most unique definitely, that was my primary vote. Otherwise both Fs with their flats look interesting and functional as well

2 Thanks

I think G looks the coolest. :sunglasses:

2 Thanks

Got it my man. I can feel that the higher and higher voice of regulated driver. We are constantly increasing the regulated models.

8 Thanks

Haha, thanks for your vote sir. I have worked hard to convey my design to Wurkkos engineer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Thank

Had a tough time deciding between C and D but chose D - they both look great and both would feel great in hand, but D blends more with head cooling fins. E is also very interesting, but in the end I found it too “complicated”.
But most important thing is that Wurkkos asked us what we want - great, thank You!

1 Thank

I was planning to bring flashlight in my vacation, however I read, it is not allowed to bring “tactical” flashlight in the plane. I think the tactical category is that the flashlight has this strike bezel.

Is there any plan that wurkkos would make an optional bezel which you can swap / buy?
Because TS25 is one of my favorite flashlight.

The new design looks great btw. I voted for D and E. I like also that you decide to upgrade the switch

Hi Terry. Please use a buck or a boost driver, I think most people don’t mind paying a little more for it. That said, I vote C.

6 Thanks

D blends more with head cooling fins. OMG! The new important point. I like your answer, it’s great help for me :+1:

Just contact my man. We can provide the replaceable bezel at any time :wink:

1 Thank

Got it! The regulated models would come increase more and more ; )

4 Thanks

I prefer the original slim waist to all of these, and second the comment about having a non-tactical bezel option.

3 Thanks

F GREEN is the best!

2 Thanks

I really like my TS25.

D and E. I love the green color! Please make a titanium grey and a bare aluminium version.

I agree a buck driver with FET (like a 5 or 6 A regulated + direct drive) would really catapult the TS25 and you’ll sell a bunch. Maybe add a optic option with more throw and a 5700K option. Please don’t make it really expensive though.

4 Thanks

D blends well but it’s too mainstream. Looks like a lot of the other lights. E1 looks futuristic!

2 Thanks

If I had F on the shelf, I’d know within a split second that was the light I was looking for. It sands out to while looking comfortable in the hand. D looks just like every other light out there IMO

2 Thanks