Looks good, I am interested.
I want to know what type of driver it has. Also since it has RGB switch I want to know if Anduril can control the switch in the same manner as RGB aux (for example to show different color for voltage etc).
Looks great! Please consider offering Nichia 519A as an emitter option as well for users who want nice tint and high CRI. The 4500K variant seems to be the ideal choice since it’s very neutral but users who want warmth and rosy tint can dedome it.
Agree with the others, offer 519A (with OP reflector) for floody CRI, and SFT40 for throw. 519A should be in 4500k, though 2700k and 5700k are also popular.
Here’s a vote for literally anything other than the SST40. 519a or at least SFT40 would be vastly preferable.
The SST40 is just the most boring emitter. Lot of lumens, but not good for throw, not good for tint, and no High CRI options. The cold white is, well, cold white, while the neutral tends to be an awful green.