Nichia 519A

Bit of bad timing that i didn’t order some before CNY, this looks like a good alternative for the 219b, higher output but a bit more floody

BTW Bob showed some measurements of a dedomed sm453 in a SC64 on r/flashlight

Level | Lumens

H1 | 611 (589)
M1 | 60
L1 | 1.6
L4 | 0.05

Level | CCT | Duv | CRI (Ra) | CRI (R9) | Rf | Rg

H1 | 3598K | –0.0075 | 96.9 | 98.4 | 92.52 | 104.27
M1 | 3393K | –0.0056 | 96.3 | 86.2 | 94.08 | 104.09
L1 | 3383K | –0.0059 | 95.8 | 83.0 | 93.94 | 103.95

About –15% output and pretty rosy

With the picture I measured roughly 1.95x1.95mm for the LES : 3.8mm2

To compare with 219B and LH351D :

1 Thank

That’s quite a drop in CCT with the dedome.
I’d love to see a beam shot of his sc64 w/:
519A dedome
219B sw45k

me too.

Hope to see some 519As in the Convoy S2+.

I modded my Acebeam E10 (that I won in the OL build competition last year) with a sliced 519A, some details about the mod in the WDYMT thread: What did you mod today? - #10916 by djozz

Tints in the hotspot:
On lowest mode:

On highest mode:


1 Thank

received 519a 4500k from Simon, and compared side by side to a couple other LEDs:


stay tuned for exciting updates after I put a 519a in a V11r or a Novatac.

By slicing the LED, how does it affect the amount of blue light under the curve? Does it increase or decrease? I was under the impression that the dome filters out blue wavelength more than red but seems I might be wrong.

I would have to measure a before-slice after-slice spectrum in the same flashlight (or on the bare led) to see that. I have not done that but will think about it when I slice the next one (I’m sure they will be a next one, these are great when sliced :slight_smile: )

Too bad it’s CNY, i really would like to order some 519A’s

Looking forward to your next slice :laughing:



the 219b has 23% less total lumens than the 519a.
or inversely,
the 519a has 30% higher lumen output.

(according to HDS it takes a 50% increase to create a small visual differece… so… the output difference is not visually significant.)

I clipped those photos from this reddit post by technaturalism
(no info on what white balances were used…)

What I notice is that the 519a has a larger hotspot.

I wonder if the Lux in the hotspot of the 219b is actually higher intensity than the 519a?

1 Thank

cd/lm surely will be lower on the 519 than the 219. Now whether or not the cd/w in any given optic is lower or not depends on a few factors, but I bet that will be closer to a wash when running in the 600 lumen range

How do you like the 519A vs the 219B jon_slider? Curious to know your impression of the new 519A.

Mine’s coming any day now so I’ll give my opinion at some point.

Both pictures are unfortunately overexposed:

The dynamic range of a picture is limited unfortunately while beamshots of reflector flashlights have about the maximum dynamic range that you can generate.

So you have choose, either show the edge of the hotspot and spill well and center hotspot overexposed, or show the intensities within the hotspot well and the edge and spill are dark or completely black.

As Jon, I usually choose something in between because that seems to give the most decent representation of a beam that you can catch in one picture.

But if you want to use your camera not for a beamshot but to compare hotspot intensities, indeed the exposure must go way down.

Probably so.

So the die size of 519A is roughly 2.0*2.0mm = 4mm2
NVSW, NVSL 219B die size is roughly 1.5*1.5mm = 2.25mm2

Roughly 77% bigger die.

Yes, no critics Jos, I take Whitewall shots the same way.

In that case, there is no way the extra lumens of the 519A will make up for the added intensity of the 219B.

I dont think the Max lumens matter

the 519a has a larger hotspot, so it might work in place of the XM-L in a Sunwayman V11r,
instead of using LH351d that has lower R9. The 219b does not make a good beam w an XM-L reflector.

btw, slicing ruins the beam of an LH351d in an XM-L reflector…
so I see no benefit to slicing a 519a… it gives up all the size advantage, that could make it compatible in an XM-L reflector or Tir.

the 519a might also be viable to replace an Olight XM-L2…
not sure… I put a 219b in an Olight, but replaced the clear XM-L Tir w a Pebbled Tir, to fix the shadow artifact in the center of the beam, caused by the smaller 219b when paired w the stock clear XM-L Tir

the 519a is less pink than the sw45k, and is more similar in Tint DUV to the sw35 and sw40. So, choose 519a for the 2x larger hotspot, if the tight hotspot of 219b is not suited to the application or user preferences. Or for lights where 219b does not work to replace an XM-L due to beam issues, the larger dome of the 519a might produce a cleaner beam.