IRL, I can see the green compared to a SW45k, but only momentarily after I look away from the pinkness of that legendary emitter. In the above photo, I think the camera has increased the green by adjusting white balance to compensate for the pink on the SW45k. To be clear, I can see yellow in the 519A, particularly in the corona, which of course is a mixture of red and green, but I don’t think green is dominating red by any means. In contrast, my 219C 5000k D240, in a Haiku head, has enough tint shift between blue-pink hotspot and corona to make the corona appear slightly green. Not so in the 519A. Still, to give credit to the SW45k, it seems to have even less tint shift than the 519A.
Thanks! This host biases me toward the emitter. I hope 519A is more widely available in a month or so. Also, it seems likely that de-doming a 519A 5700k could obsolete the SW45k; similar everything but more output and overdrive ability. We will see.
Have to agree, close to the BBL meets most use (non-flsshlight) case requirements of white LEDs.LEDs are rarely made specifically for flashlight enthusiasts.
My sm453-bin 519A is very similar to the rosiest SST20 bin I have - which I don’t know for sure but is probably FA4. So if you are deciding between these it will probably come down to what beam shape you want. I would venture a guess that it is easier to get a nice even beam out of the 519A.
I only have LH351D in 2700k and 5500k. The 5500k is much cooler and a bit greener than the other two.
That’s kind of what I’m thinking. Just would prefer the S21a to fill out my 21700 collection, and the S2+ is a bit too big for EDC anyway, IMO. So would rather just go a bit bigger for around the house use, bag carry, etc. But the 5A driver is probably more appropriate for this LED.