Nichia E17A/E21A Skilhunt H04RC Group Buy

How do you think the smooth reflector of the M200 will perform with the e21a quad?

Very likely to have a donut or dark Gap in the center of the beam. You would need to diffuse it with DC fix to get rid of that dark spot.

Hi Clemence

I already sent payment via PP for item 45.


Do you have one on the way already or were you going to order one with this group buy?

I’m going to order some with this GB. The reflector can’t be used with quadtrix. And it’s never been my intention, prepared some TIR for it.


I ordered additional modules to put into a H03 and possibly a H04. Should I be ordering your TIRs as well or will they work with the stock ones?

This is a good question for those wanting to make themselves. The LED modules offered is designed to work with Virence custom lenses and threaded MCPCB.

No, the stock lens doesn’t work with quadtrix LED module. You have to trim the base, otherwise the lens will crush the LEDs!

It will indeed works OK with careful positioning and thermal glue. But I highly not recommend doing so.


Ah ok, glad I asked! I’ve been assuming that the module includes the four LEDs pre-installed on an mcpcb. Is this correct? If so then I just need to order your custom lenses and I’ll be all set to upgrade my H03?

No the LED module was designed for threaded base and custom lenses.
The hardest part is to make 2x blind M2 x 0,4 threads to fix the MCPCB. If you can do it then you’re good to go.


Oh I see, thanks for clarifying. Is it easy to swap the modules in and out of your custom H04? Just the two led wires and the mcpcb screws?

I may amend my order to include another H04. I’ll give it some thought.

Much easier if you open the driver. Solder everything outside first, except the switch and charging wires.


I have an order at Skilhunt and I received a shipping notification today, it seems like things will start moving again.

Update 200219: Skilhunt informed the factory and employees are OK. They started operating back yesterday. They hope the condition will gets better and better in the coming days.


If you can offer them modded with emitters in this GB I will take one :smiley:

Many thanks

I would be in for a few for sure

If not too late than I would like to swap my additional board from 3500K+4500K to 3×3000K+1×2000K. I was reading SKV89 post from few pages back and I think I have to try this combo.

PP paid, but not on your List ?! Is it up to Date ?!

Guys, please double check the listing. I tried my best, but I’m sure there must be some errors in it.


Please correct the list as follow:

LiteintheNite, H04RC, 4000k, extra board 3500k, 3 diff. extra lenses, paid 88,- dollars

thanks and best regards


The city they ship from is highly infected.

Covid-19 survives on hard surfaces for at least 9 days. I would not touch the box. Spray everything with 10% bleach and let it sit for 10mins b4 touching.